I had an AV Node Ablation 9 days ago, pacemaker was implanted last October, as usual Drs had tried everything else before this to cure my permanent AF. I feel so much better that I still find it hard to believe, still scared to get too excited. When the ablation was done they set my pacemaker at 80 bpm and I am due to see the dr and pacemaker tech to have it put down to 60 in a few weeks. Could anyone tell me have they had the same thing done and how they went. I assume that as my heart rate was 150 they didn’t want to drop it too suddenly, and I’m wondering what sort of difference this new adjustment might make, if any.
Pacemaker adjustment after AV Node Ab... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pacemaker adjustment after AV Node Ablation.

Hi - I have a pacemaker but have not had an AV node ablation, so unfortunately I can’t offer any advice. But I wanted to comment on how wonderful it is that you are feeling so well- it’s lovely to hear positive experiences. I hope all goes well when they adjust the settings.
Hi Jennywren. You are right. Right after the ablation it takes time to see how the ablated areas are going to function after they heal This takes time so it's better to leave the pacemaker rate as it was at the time of ablation. When the ablations gives your doc a clearer picture of how it is going to work with your pacemaker rate, it's time to adjust the rate. Most of the time the rate has been set at 80 at the time you received the pacer. After a month, or several weeks after the ablation if not done togethe' it is lowered. Usually 10 beats at a time-mine was lowered to 70 bpm. I felt fine at this rate so it wasn't lowered any further. Your doc is following protocol. The only question I would ask him is why is he lowering 20 beats rather than 10 at a time. It may be that in his experience and knowing your history this best for you. When it is lowered to 60 be aware of your energy levels. Are you very tired? It may be that it would need to be raised to a higher number but below 80. This is easily done in the pacemaker clinic with a magnet. No pain, no hospital gown,just a setting change. It sounds like everything is on track with your ablation. Happy to hear you are on the 'the other side of the mountain.' Take care xx irina
Hi Jenny, my Pacemaker has now been set at 60 revs and has been no problem so don't worry, have had mine 3 years now and it has totally changed my life. I had this fitted after ablation sent me into a nose dive. I lived with PA/F for over 20 years trying one drug after another and of course as I got older the condition worsened so that prompted the ablation which for me did not work.