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More about Ranitidine

25 Replies

A while ago I posted here about Ranitidine being withdrawn. It was briefly reinstated, but now seems to be withdrawn for the foreseeable future. I have taken it for about 18 months and am concerned about no longer being able to take it as reflux (in my case possibly silent reflux) can trigger PAF. The doctor has prescribed omeprazole, but I am not keen on PPIs because of various issues with them (including a link with dementia. I wondered what others experiences were when coming off Ranitidine-has anyone been able to manage with nothing or just Gaviscon (whichI don’t find very effective)? Alteenativrly is there a good alternative to Ranitidine?

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25 Replies
HopeinHim profile image

My EP just told me Pepcid is a good substitute and safe with warfarin, Metropolol, Flecainide. The pharmacist also confirms this. Good luck! I miss Zantac as well.

in reply to HopeinHim

That’s interesting. The active ingredient of Pepcid is famotidine. However, when I suggested this to my doctor, she said it would “interact with other medicines you are taking” (without saying which). I will have to research this a bit and get back to the doctor.

jeanjeannie50 profile image


Try cutting out all fat and vinegar from your diet (its hidden in a lot of things like baked beans). Yogurts are also a no no for me. Eat almonds and red apples daily. When your stomach is particularly sore, like at night, eat a banana.

This works for me.

Also, do you take magnesium, this made my stomach sore for years before I realised it was the cause.

Blocks under the feet at the head of your bed, to raise it a few inches, will help too


Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to jeanjeannie50

I wish I could do the last but it would require two strong men to achieve it 😬

Tea upsets me, can’t drink it alone.

in reply to jeanjeannie50

I haven’t experienced that much reflux recently. I don’t know whether that is because of the ranitidine or because my diet is good. I will certainly try elevating the bed as you suggest.

C66t profile image
C66t in reply to

My gastroenterologist suggested probiotics and after 4/6wks Iwas able to stop ppi now if I get reflux I take gaviscon extra and up my water intake.🌞

in reply to C66t

I’m going to try Gaviscon-although previously it hasn’t worked well for me- as well

as elevating the head of the bed, modifying diet etc. I don’t know how long it takes the effects of ranitidine to wear off- I haven’t taken any for two days now.

Pam296 profile image
Pam296 in reply to jeanjeannie50

That is really interesting Jean. I am really suffering with reflux at present and never considered magnesium could be a potential cause. It's a difficult time to have a flare up as no endoscopys are being carried out.

Buffafly profile image

Same here but I had over ordered ranitidine because I only take one a day so I haven’t started the omeprazole yet and not keen to - lanzaprazole gave me diarrhoea which didn’t end well 🙁

in reply to Buffafly

Not sure what the difference between omeprazole and lanzapraxole is.

momist profile image
momist in reply to Buffafly

I had the same problem with Lansoprazole. Tried it twice to confirm that it was the cause, and after two weeks it was as if I had food poisoning! I've been on Ranitidine ever since.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to momist

I had it after my ablation - eventually ended up in hospital and they put me in isolation in case I had caught a bug in Harefield! To be fair I had developed diverticulitis but I was suspicious that the PPI had allowed wrong gut bugs to flourish.

Nick1957 profile image

Silent reflux - interesting diagnosis. I frequently suffered heartburn without the actual reflux symptoms - pain in arms and felt very weak plus a fast irregular heartbeat. It occured on numerous occasions before because of bad diet but always reverted on its own to NSR - only this time it didn't ( 5 months in AF) I needed beta blockers thinkers et al. Didn't want to take PPi's long term so ate reasonably healthy.

I had a successful Cv in December 2019 and since then have had 2 episodes of heartburn with irregular heartbeat both have returned to NSR thank goodness!

I feel lucky!!

Pita profile image

I think I replied to your original post, I have the head of the bed up with blocks of 6inches of wood over 20 years now, I take 20mg twice daily of Esmoprazole (PPI) which I have been taking for years, I also take gaviscon advance 3 times a day. Ranitidine did not help me at all. I never eat after 6pm, my last hot drink is at 8-30pm and after that I only drink water, but drink plenty of water during the course of the day. I never add salt to my meals, as there is plenty of salt already in food. I was always told to eat little and often, no big meals so your stomach is so full you can't move which is a no no for me.

Mrsvemb profile image

I got my last prescription about 4 weeks ago, no problem. I do hope that it has not been withdrawn because I cannot tolerate any of the PPi’s.

Following an endoscopy, I was diagnosed with drug related erosive gastritis and a gastric ulcer, also had small bleed caused by Rivaroxaban, so I need Ranitidine to help the healing process , especially as I am still taking Rivaroxaban.

My GP told me that if untreated the gastritis will certainly lead to stomach cancer.

So for me, the risks in taking Ranitidine are lower.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Mrsvemb

Why are you still taking rivaroxaban if it caused a bleed? I changed from rivaroxaban to apixaban and found it much better.

Mrsvemb profile image
Mrsvemb in reply to Buffafly

I originally started in Apixaban 5 years ago and couldn’t tolerate it. Very bad nausea. I was then changed to Dabigatran and had the same problem.

Next came Rivaroxaban which I can tolerate fine.

I requested a change last year to Edoxaban and again failed due to very bad nausea, so went back on to Rivaroxaban.

I don’t tolerate many medicines. It appears to be the fillers that are used not the main ingredient.

I even have problems switching between drug manufacturers of my regular tablets. It just depends on the fillers.

One filler that I now know causes problems in Crospovidone. That is in Edoxaban and some brands of Nebivolol. I am not sure if it is in Apixaban or Dabigatran.

Only one I haven’t tried is Warfarin, but have been advised against it because the risks of a stomach bleed are higher.

I even asked if I could self inject Clexane, but as they are £10 each injection, that wasn’t agreed.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Mrsvemb

Oh dear Oh dear 💜

Tapanac profile image

My husband has been taking Initially ranitidine, lansoprazole and latterly omeprazole and pantoprazole for approximately 50 years and he is fine. I have been taking lansoprazole for approx 20 years on and off (as and when needed) and hopefully I’m fine too.

paolina profile image

Ranitidine was withdrawn in Italy in November 2019 and probably the rest of the EU presumable for the connection with cancer. My brother in England has only just written to say that he has been told to go off Ranitidine & to not take anything for the next 3 weeks when he presumably will be given an alternative. (he doesn't have AF )-

Shcldavies profile image

I think a risk assessment between Ranitidine and Omeprazole is needed. Ranitidine has been withdrawn due to its proven link to Cancer and death, Omeprazole has not been withdrawn as there is no substantive like with dangerous side effects. However all that does not give any guarantees, my father in his 90s has taken Rantitdine all his life and will not take anything else - he has a lifetime supply and will not be told otherwise. I have taken Omeprizole for 25 years, one low dose 10mg tablet every third day is more effective than 2 Ranitidine every day. Taking the general population, the balance of risk is far improved taking Omeprizole and worst taking Ranitidine, however people are different and no one can say what is right for you.

in reply to Shcldavies

I think they discovered something in the coating which might be carcinogenic; so far as I know the drug itself isn’t dangerous.

Madscientist16 profile image

Ranitidine (Zantac) is an acid reducer known as an H2 blocker. Other meds in the same family include famotidine (Pepcid) and cimetidine (Tagamet). Try one of those. Omeprazole (Prilosec), Pantoprazole (Protonix) and any other acid reducer ending with "zole" are proton pump inhibitors or PPIs. PPI's have been shown to cause depletion of magnesium, B12 and calcium with long term use. Depletion of magnesium and calcium can cause heart arrhythmias and low B12 can lead to fatigue and breathlessness. I stay away from PPIs due to AF.

in reply to Madscientist16

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, cemetidine is not available and famotodine interacts with other medications and so ccannot be taken. PPIs are indeed not a good idea because of a link with dementia and they can even

Shorten lifespan.

Jem237 profile image

Hi Samazeuilh, I have Gerd, AF, hiatus hernia, & Barrett’s oesphagus so have been taking various ppis for last 6 years. When they weren’t working sufficiently to control reflux I was then put on Ranitidine (about 4 years ago). Seemed to work okay, but now switched to cimetidine and been having worst ever reflux and pain - nothing seems to help. Hopefully will settle down soon. Maybe cimetidine will work for you, although according to seems to interact with other meds I’m taking (Apixaban & Verapamil). Hope you find something to help. I sometimes take Rennie Extra at night and they seem to work well. Good luck.

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