So I'm almost 2 years post my cryoablation and had been feeling fine except for today. I feel the AFib back right now and I know I need to call my cardiologist but I'm so scared to do so. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I can't concentrate and am having trouble holding it together. I hate this and don't want to go through this all over again.
Scared that my AFib is back - Atrial Fibrillati...
Scared that my AFib is back

Hello Beadygrl, I know from my own personal experience the feeling of gloom and doom when you think you might be experiencing the return of AF. Of course, it might be just a blip and rhythm might return but if you sense an irregular heartbeat then you really need an ECG so that your doctor can properly assess what’s going on. They may suggest a cardioversion or a pill in the pocket treatment to help get you back into sinus rhythm as soon as possible. What they often don’t tell you is that a Cryoablation can sometimes (but by no means always) fail because the expanding balloon which freezes the tissue around the entrance of the 4 pulmonary veins may have missed bits. This is because the tissue can be irregular in shape. It is therefore not unusual to have a second or third RF ablation which enables the EP to treat the missed tissue. I know you would not wish to have this done, but it is very common so all is not lost. I suggest you make contact with your Cardiologist or the Arrhythmia Nurse where you had the ablation as soon as possible and try not to get too anxious, easy to say I know! Hope this helps.....

I do know that the area they ablated was slightly irregular and they had to zap it more than they thought they would going in. I did hear back from my cardiologist quickly when I left a message and had me go in for an EKG in the morning, suggest I take more Metropol in the meantime to take the edge off the symptoms I was having. It tapered off and by the time I had my EKG, it had gone back into sinus rhythm. He suggested I get the kardia portable EKG so that I can send him the data when it's happening. Thank you for helping me out!
Not sure where you are? -I would make contact with the hospital switch board- and talk to the secretary of the Dr/Surgeon/EP who completed the procedure. He/she perhaps would let you leave a contact telephone number where you can be reached. The person who did your procedure may get in touch with you to advise you of the next step. Don't wait around, talk to someone who can advise you. Good luck, take care.

Thank you! Yes I was able to get a hold of my cardiologist who was able to check me out the next day. I think I had a day long episode but not sure. He said I was fine and in regular rhythm so just going to get a mobile EKG for reassurance.
Oh how I feel for you having been in your place
I had some success with my first ablation possibly 12/18 months then it returned then had a second one and was fine for a good 4 years just small episodes max 2 days easy controlled then last week it came from nowhere and they can’t get my rhythm sorted at all so now on Amiodarone my absolute last choice but hopefully only short term then a third ablation
This is a long rocky road love but manageable most of the time x
Yes people think it’s nothing a bit of an annoyance but it’s very real and often very frightening
You take care and it will work out but you are def not alone
Can I ask your age ? I am 64 this year i was diagnosed 5 /,6 years ago but think I have had it years just ignored it as our family doctor always told me it was healthy to have palpitations ???
Sorry for the late reply. I am going to be 48 in a few days. I do think I have had AFib for years and didn't know it. I did have to go to the ER recently because my heart was really racing. I actually went twice. Both times the episodes subsided by the time I was in the hospital. They told me to take an additional Metropol when I'm feeling symptoms. I hate this waiting around for symptoms to scare me. My cardiologist says I'm fine, but I certainly don't feel like it.