Ablation + 15 months Covid-19 + 2 weeks - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Ablation + 15 months Covid-19 + 2 weeks

Shcldavies profile image
19 Replies

Thank you for all your posts/messages following my last post, just a quick update, we are both over the virus and heart on best behaviour throughout. Both still have a slight cough but believe this can last for over 7 weeks. Went out for first time yesterday, never been so happy just walking in the park, plan to start gardening today. Encouraged by the antibody tests reported yesterday but fully appreciate that its far too early to start getting exited. Looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all.

My symptoms lasted 7 days and my wife 12 days, as my wife caught it on her ward in hospital and had symptoms for 2 days before me I am taking it that she had caught a larger initial dose and hence her symptoms lasted longer - just a theory with no hard facts. Stay safe.

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Shcldavies profile image
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19 Replies
BobD profile image

Really good news. Yes I understand "viral load" plays a part on how badly you get the disease. Of the people I know who have had it most have recovered in a week or so but one was quite ill for two weeks and even after three was unable to walk across his yard to get something from his workshop. It does seem quite random! Take it easy .

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to BobD

Thank you. Viral load - I was trying to think of that term for my post. The virus severity is so different in some, hopefully (unlike AF) this difference will lead to a cure.

Steve101 profile image

So pleased to hear you are well on the road to recovery. Also reassuring to hear of someone with AF that wasn’t hit too hard by this nasty virus.

Best wishes


Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to Steve101

Thank you, we have a lot to be thankful for

Ppiman profile image

Well done, you two! A "load" off both your minds at last, eh? 😊


Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to Ppiman

Thank you

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to Ppiman

Thank you

Great encouraging news. Best wishes to you both and your family.....

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to

Thank you

Tako2009 profile image

Thanks for your post - so glad your heart behaved!!

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to Tako2009

Thank you

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Good to hear you've both recovered and that your heart behaved. It gives us all a bit of hope if we should be unfortunate enough to catch the virus. I wonder if we'll ever be back to the way we were before this started? We keep being told we're over the peak, but I'm not too sure myself.

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to jeanjeannie50

I think we have a long way to go, but 1 day, perhaps out of the blue it will be much as before.

Shcldavies profile image

Yes your right some people will only learn the hard way. One of things I have learned in my near 66 years of life is that cocky people always get their comeuppance, not always straight away but always at some time.

irene75359 profile image

So pleased to hear that you are both recovering. And from what I read the other day, it has been decided that there is immunity after having had the virus (not sure for how long though). Just make sure you both take it easy.

Shcldavies profile image

Thank you, yes encouraging news on the immunity, at least there is hope.

Auriculaire profile image

Glad to hear you have recovered. We need to hear more stories ( especially in the gloom and doom media) of people who have recovered from mild cases .

Shcldavies profile image

Yes she started work after 14 days, she feels relieved that she was not as ill as many, thankfully in her ward all 12 patience survived (aged from 65 to 98), though 3 patients who transferred there for end of life care did die. One patient did not have any symptoms warts ever. We both still have cough which comes and goes and I think she has less stamina now (she does not agree). All in all Good and glad to have recovered.

Shcldavies profile image

Yes I believe if you get a massive dose your body cannot develop antibodies to fix it before it does significant damage, it also depends upon many other things that make up your defence system. The problem is that no one knows how some have minor symptoms and others just don't make it. Mentally we were both concerned how it would affect us, I am 65 and my wife is 62, the statistics around at the time showed (from memory) around 80% of deaths were in the over 60s. Thankfully our symptoms were minor and did not disturb us, though every day we woke up hoping we were not getting worst.

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