Post ablation 13 months. EMF field pr... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Post ablation 13 months. EMF field problems.

D_afibber profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone. Just wanted to see if anyone else has had similar experiences. Last night I was going for my usual evening walk as it usually settles my evening ectopics. However I tried a different route. But started to feel really unwell as I entered a new neighborhood. I have my Kardia on my phone with me so decided to check it. And my heartbeats were all over the place. The Kardia said move away from the electrical disturbance. But I looked around and could not see anything obvious that would be generating an EMF field. As I walked on down the road the problems got fewer on the Kardia, and I started to feel better the further I went. I walked a different loop back again. Has anybody experienced similar.


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D_afibber profile image
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17 Replies
BobD profile image

For many years my office was above an underground electrical substation and the EM interference was such that our VDUs had to be fitted inside Faraday cages or they never stopped shimmering. It was so bad that we were the first office to trail the then new IBM LCD displays now common across all computer systems.

Being mindful of H and S issues I called in experts to see if we were at health risk and various tests were made which I witnessed. These showed very disturbed lines of EMF caused we were told by the cable routing in the roof of the undeground chamber but that total EMF was relatively low. We tested again outside on the street where the usual mains cables. telphone wires etc run and the total EMF was MUCH higher although less disturbed. I was re-assured and later sired two healthy boys so no harm came to me. lol

My point is that there are lots of cables and things underground that you can't see which nobody thinks about.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

How interesting! We have lots of members on here who will have answers for you and I look forward to hearing what they have to say. EngMac , Hidden , CDreamer , ILowe .

CDreamer profile image

How interesting, thanks for posting.

I have had similar experiences with Kardia when near electrical equipment - the new 6L Kardia is a LOT more sensitive and finding a place in our home without electrical interference to take a good trace is quite hard, the new more powerful mobiles seem more problematic as well.

I don’t know if you have heard of HeartMath but they have looking at EMF and affects on the heart for many years now. You may find this of interest

I now do a daily grounding exercise which is just standing or lying down on the earth or sitting with bare feet on ground (concrete is good enough but grass, beach better) for at least 10 minutes every day.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CDreamer

PS - some people seem much more sensitive to EMF’s than others.

irene75359 profile image

I couldn't use my Kardia in my mother's sheltered housing; the electrical interference rendered any reading useless. That is the only place it has happened to me.

Ppiman profile image

I had a weird experience once when I was a young man working in Cuba at a medical exhibition. We were promoting our company's asthma medicines but next door was a company promoting defibrillators. These wonderful looking machines have a built in ECG facility and the rep on the stand was enjoying taking everyone's ECGs for fun. Mine though was just a mass of interference, whatever the rep did. It really concerned him and he advised me to see a doctor, Well - he was less clever than he liked to think. I did see a doctor eventually and did have ectopic beats but it turns out I was just one of those people who somehow conduct outside EMF sources more easily than others. My grandma was always proud of the fact that watches always told the wrong time on her; my sister-in-law has had similar experiences over the years. Maybe you are similarly sensitive?

As I understand things, EMF, however, it is like magnetism arises whenever electricity and electric current flow; the "fields" of "energy" this creates is totally harmless and occurs in nature all the time. A Kardia, however, being a device built to measure the specific EMF created by the heart's flow of electricity, can't differentiate between this and external sources, so it creates the error message that asks you to move away from the external EMF source. The source is safe, but the Kardia doesn't like it!

What no-one has yet been able to work out, though, is how a small glass of single malt or a larger glass of French red often seems to help. It doesn't fix the Kardia but it sure does help the anxiety! ;-)


BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Ppiman

My mother could never wear a mechanical watch as they just would not go. I think my Bulova Aerojet (1952) was the only one that ever worked on her.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to BobD

Now that was a watch indeed. Still made in Switzerland I gather.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Ppiman

Actually Bulova was started by Joseph Bulova a Bohemian immigrant to USA based in New York around 1875. Since 2008 Citizen have owned the name, The Aerojet I'm told was a US only market watch but six came to London, one being bought by an Uncle who eventually left it to me. In about 1980 the strap broke and it fell on the floor breaking the auto-wind spindle. There used to be an Albanian watch repairer called Tony in Holborn London and not expecting any joy I took it into him and to my amazement he went to his safe and produced a brand new auto-wind mechanism which he fitted for £35 and a cup of coffee. I still have the watch but am too scared to wear it very often as Tony is long gone. (Tony told me about Bulova and my watch but I had to google who owns the company. )

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to BobD

What a lovely story. That makes it a rather special watch, indeed. I didn't know it was owned by Citizen.


Singwell profile image

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all. I see a medical Homeopath (she's a GP ) and she is insistent we turn off WiFi at night, use ethernet whenever possible and avoid 5G. I really don't think we know yet the impact of EMF on the cells of the body.

D_afibber profile image

Yes indeed. I have a family member who was working on a ships mast and doing some electrical installation. He was not aware that the were testing the radar when he was working. And when he got out of work noticed his watch had moved on half an hour approx.

After some years of testing for allergies and feeling ill, He moved to the mountains to live a simple life as he is now electro sensitive.

Even though he has not suffered same as myself he can feel WiFi masts affecting his heart beats. Must be some influence as the heart is electro by nature.



jrd210 profile image

The comments about EMF focus on hypotheticals, OK there may be much we don't know but what do we actually know. Having assisted an industrial company to implement safety regulations with regards to EMF and workers we dug into the subject and other than banning walking through large industrial electromagnets we did not find issues with patients with pacemakers (including me), but we tended to take slightly more precautions with those with defibrillators and insulin pumps but only in higher EMF areas and we did find that one can be neurotically over-precautious with no science to back it. If you have the belief that living near a power line is going to hurt you then move away but lets not pronounce it as scientific without some facts.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to jrd210

There’s so much conspiracy about these days - science is losing ground. Non-ionising radiation is, self evidently, entirely safe. Taking a flight exposes us to more radiation of all kinds than anything else, I gather - unless your house is built over radioactive granite.

Thank goodness for science, I say - it’s given us the internet, after all! 😊


BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Ppiman

Or Raydon like many places down in Westcountry (although not where I am as we had it tested. )

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to BobD

We were given an "Airthings" radon detector to test a few months ago. Fortunately, its measures very low levels. It must be difficult in some parts of the country.

EngMac profile image

I anyone wants more creditable information look at this website:

Dr. Magda Havas is one of the world's leading authorities on this subject. She takes a sensible approach.

I have mentioned the health benefits of PEMF in previous posts. There are only one or two devices that are reputable and effective. I have researched this and if anyone wants to know more, send me a message

Another part of the link CDreamer placed may also be worth reading. It gives a high overview of what the heart may be doing. Which makes me wonder how anti arrhythmic drugs and ablations affect far more than just the heart and what they do to alter our overall human experience.

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