sorry to post this but since been having AF it’s just taking a drain on me just fed up of trying to find answers to make my heart beat in NSR all the time, no matter what I do eat right, lose weight, take natural probiotics, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, breathing exercises AF and heart runs just always creep up to say I’m still here, just hating this AF and I know all you AFIBBERS know where I’m coming from just seems no answer to this long heartache mongrel condition.
I hate AF : sorry to post this but... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I hate AF

It's a difficult time until you understand why it's happening. Then you may go down the cardioversion road or the ablation one or the Maze procedure or just live with it. It really depends upon you. As I've stated before, technology is giving a boost to ameliorating AF. You were born at the right time. Just keep on reading here and outside of this platform.
Sympathise - been there, done that for nigh on 13 years, had periods of respite only for AF to return. Sometimes just no rhyme nor reason, just is - so sometimes you just have to bear with and distract yourself until it stops. It does take some managing. Hope you feel better soon.
You are doing all the things that will help your general health and that is very important - to keep ourselves as healthy and as fit as we can under these restraints and longer term that will mean if you go down the ablation route when COVID is controlled - you give yourself a much better chance of recovery and lessen the chances of recurrence.
It is a very unusual and stressful time at the moment and stress and worry will certainly exacerbate AF.
There are times when I absolutely hate it too. I sometimes wonder if we all met up at some isolated place and screamed until we were tired of screaming, whether that would help release our frustration and annoyance! For one thing I think it would make me laugh.
Or we can look at what medical conditions other people have and count our blessings that we only have AF. There are people with limbs missing, or a disfigured face, suffering with cancer, Parkinsons, MS, motor neuron disease, loss of sight, unable to move because of having had a stroke etc. When I think of what I could have had I thank god it's only AF. Yes I know it's a hateful and worrying condition at times, but of all the horrible conditions to have and if I had to choose one it would be AF over the other options.
Never give up hope of being cured, or finding just what triggers AF in you. Watch this forum closely and take everyone's tips on board.
I'm certainly not resigned to having AF for the rest of my life! Never, ever give up the dream of being normal again and keep up all the good actions you're taking, who knows they may just take time to work.
Sending you a big healing hug my friend and know that we're always here for you.
That was kind of funny! Started laughing when you wrote about everyone screaming, then you said you’d laugh🤣🤣
AF is often accompanied by the black dog of depression and the... erm cat? of Anxiety?
We've all had low points, we've all struggled to fathom why us, why not someone who doesn't take care of themselves or is reckless with their health.
Keep up appearances on here, there's no such thing as a stupid question and get to know other people's experiences. Whilst every person is different there will be similarities also.
Hi know exactly where you are coming from, had it half a day Saturday half of yesterday despite increasing my flecainde and not to mention every lifestyle adjustment under the sun, which has improved my echo at least, so last night in a fit of temper I got so fed up emailed my cardiologist and asked him to refer me for an ablation, which he will do today. I have dragged my feet on ablation for two years, so feel better having made the decision in my head to have it done as he is fairly confident it will enable me to come off flecainde which I suspect can cause problems long term.
Fully understand. Waiting for call back from Doctor at moment having asked for mobile ECG following weeks of missed beats. Sometimes just working at trying to stop it too much can increase the length of episode
I don't think anyone actually likes having AF. It does make you check your prioritizes a bit though and rethink certain things. This is a good place though, lots of info and support to be had.
I hate it too when I've got it but I try not to think about it when I haven't. I live a reasonably healthy life and try to avoid definite triggers, one is working above my head and the other is having a virus or infection which of course is not something I can do a lot about. Try not to fret while you are not having an episode, instead make the best use of your time while you are feeling ok and save some distracting and pleasant things to do while you have it. Hopefully you will be able to get rid of AF one day but if you put too much energy into thinking about it you are wasting your life 💜
I am at the moment after my second ablation free from AF so there is life after your bad time. I did find if I got stressed my bp went up and AF came along. I did find having a bath and listening to peaceful music really helped or reading a book or magazine. It just took my thoughts to something else rather than AF. Anything that gets you to relaxe I think might help.
Thank you for this pirnough6 did your first ablation have any improvement?
Yes although I still went into AF but nothing that I couldn't easily deal with but I had the second one 8 months later which was a very long procedure but oh so worth it. But I had quite severe AF to begin with working through all the tablets and finishing on the max dosage of flecanide so I think my case wasn't par for the course for the average AF person. However I must say both ops were completely painless and really worth. The consultants take so much care to try and solve the problem.
Have you considered an ablation? It's life changing for many.
I see. So sorry the first ablation didn't work, but there is hope for the next try. COVID-19 has changed treatment proceedures for so many folks everywhere. I suppose they will call you as soon as it is possible for you to come in and be fitted for the monitor. All the best to you and everyone world wide who are on hold during this time of waiting for coronavirus to decline.
Yay!!! Very good news!! It's a start and I'm sure you'll have plenty of questions. Good luck.