Bisoprolol: On 5mg a day for ten days... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Beaky-Pompino profile image
36 Replies

On 5mg a day for ten days now, how long before the side effects start to go away? I take mine at about eight every morning but the side effects seem worse in the afternoon for some reason... dizziness when standing, fatigue and not being able to do much exercise etc.

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Beaky-Pompino profile image
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36 Replies

Hi Beaky I on 5mg bisoprolol 2 years now I took about 6 months before I got used to it you have to make sure your pulse and heart rate are not going to low as this may cause light head getting up I have a blood pressure monitor devise and a fit bit watch to keep a eye on blood pressure and heart rate hope this helped Keep well .

bantam12 profile image

I take it at night so side effects don't mess up the day, maximum dose for me is 1.25, I can't tolerate any higher.

I've been on 5mg daily for 10 years. originally prescribed to be taken in morning. Although my side effects were different my GP changed my dose to be taken at night. No issues ever since, except, occasionally my heart rate drops to around 45 bpm. About 3 times a year. Nowadays I lead a pretty normal life. No blood pressure issues either.


absolutepatsy profile image

I never got used to Bisoprolol and am not on Atenolol and feel great.

bennie06 profile image

Can take a few weeks for your body to adjust and for Bisoporol to become fully effective.

For heart/pulse monitor check out mobile app Cardiograph.

Good Luck

glosfrog profile image

Hi Beaky. I take 5mg but split into 2 x 2.5 so take one tablet in morning and one at night. Originally when starting to take bisoprolol it took me 3 months for my body to get used to it. good luck

CDreamer profile image

I never got used to it and side effects just got worse so I came off it.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to CDreamer

Yes that happened with me too. Couldn't get used to any beta blockers - I was worse on them than I was with Afib. I am only on anticoagulants now - Eliquis

Rienij70 profile image
Rienij70 in reply to CDreamer

My GP has increased my Bisoprolol to 10 mg, to bring the heart rate down, but I am still in AF and feel horrible, I wonder if the Bisoprolol is making things worse.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Rienij70

I found the AF made feel horrible but the Bisoprolol made me feel horrible all of the time and when not in AF. If you are in AF all of the time then it may keep your HR down but it won’t convert you to NSR - you would need an anti arrythmia drug such as Flecainide or Amiodarone but your GP wouldn’t normally be able to prescribe those drugs without specialist consultation & direction.

Rienij70 profile image
Rienij70 in reply to CDreamer

It is so difficult at present. I think I will listen to my body and cut back a bit on the Bisoprolol. And see how I feel. But I know exactly what you mean. I reacted to the stress in my life by going into AF but the GP doubling the dose isn’t helping me at all. Thank you for your opinion.

Take care


Magson profile image
Magson in reply to CDreamer

Yes, some nasty side effects. I don't believe my Cardiologist should have put me on it in the first place. Reduced bpm to about 45. AF episodes occurred mainly early mornings say 2.00am. Now off Flecainide and Bisopropol after ablation . Happier days!

Mrsvemb profile image

You need to check your BP and heart rate, Bisoprolol may be dropping one or both too low. I was on 2.5mg twice a day and it made me very lethargic. I thought that it was dropping my heart rate too low causing AF.

I have been off it for 5 months now and feeling much better and having about 60% less AF episodes.

I am now on Nebivolol and feel much better.

BobD profile image

I'm not sure why people are told to take this drug in the morning.? Many people have found evening far better as most side effects are not noticed whilst sleeping.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD

There is a good reason Bob - when taken in evening/night it can cause an affect which lowers the HR whilst sleeping - there was a study quite recently which recommended that certain BP meds I think it was ACE inhibitors are more effective when taken at night but not Beta Blockers. - I’ll see if I can relocate the study and post.

Icenae profile image

I have been on bisoprolol for a long time. Take it at night. I kept complaining of being breathless on exertion. Really bad and legs feeling weak. Didnt do much for tachy either. At long last i have been moved to Nebivolol. Which is more expensive !!!! Breathlessness much better and sleeping much better. But fairly tachycardic most of the time. Worse than on bisoprolol. Doc already upped dosage not quite comparable to bisoprolol. Need more.

Nick1957 profile image

I'm on 5mg a day and take in the morning. Pulse sometimes goes as low as 45/50 when sitting down at the end of the day. I am in NSR after successful 1st cardio version December 11th. (Touchwood) Cardiac nurse and consultant is ok with this pulse reading too!! I was asymptomatic when n AF so after 6 weeks I was use to bisoprolol. Have enough energy to play golf x 3 a week but hasten to add this is all on hold whilst following lockdown protocols! Good luck Beaky

Beaky-Pompino profile image
Beaky-Pompino in reply to Nick1957


Beaky-Pompino profile image
Beaky-Pompino in reply to Nick1957

Hi Nick, have I read that right, that you are still on Bisoprolol even after successful cardioversion?

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Beaky-Pompino

Yes still on 5mg Bisoprolol Consultant thru the cardiac nurse said it's working so why change in these times!! My app to see cardio specialist was cancelled In Feb due to the pandemic - I think they will gradually reduce meds over a period of time if I remain in NSR.

Icenae profile image
Icenae in reply to Nick1957

They took me off bisoprolol immediately after my 2nd ablation, which worked for 3 years. (9years ago). 5 mg is quite a high dose. Watch out for bradycardia. I would be happy to stay on a lower dose as its quite good for the heart. Although I am now on nebivolol due to breathless on exertion on bisoprolol.

Nick1957 profile image
Nick1957 in reply to Icenae

I don't feel any symptoms on bisoprolol no fatigue whatsoever. I suppose I'm use to it after 8/9 months. Probably hopefully see if I get more active when it is reduced! Stay safe

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Icenae

I've noticed on this forum that most people take 2.5mg and you say 5mg is a high dose. I was put on 10 mg bisprolol in a matter of weeks , had to come off because I was curled up on the couch holding my stomach. On Cardevilol now, 25mg which is equivalent to 10mg bisprolol, don't feel great on these either.

Goosebumps profile image

It seems that doctors reach straight for the Bisoprolol when AF rears its ugly head. I agree with comments above that you need to understand your heart rate and blood pressure to make an informed judgement.

I refused to take Bisoprolol until I had a 24hr monitor which confirmed that a beta blocker wasn't needed at all.

I get the same symptoms as you sometimes, dizziness when standing ( or bending down) tiredness and I am not on a beta blocker so I don't think you can immediately attribute your symptoms to the Bisoprolol you are taking.

A cheap Heart rate and blood oxygen level monitor is a pulse oximiser. The fit bit or Apple Watch is of course the Rolls Royce.

Icenae profile image
Icenae in reply to Goosebumps

Are you tachycardic. I have sick sinus. Pm for bradycardia. But after my 3rd ablation i cant feel the tachy. My fit bit tells me i am in tachy mostly drugs dont make much difference. Tempted to stop. Altho now on nebivolol and less breathlessness and sleep much better.

Goosebumps profile image
Goosebumps in reply to Icenae

Not sure can answer your question. Monitor showed SVT a few times a night but hevent actually felt it until the last few nights when it's woken me up, racing very fast for a few seconds. If this continues I might reach for the beta blockers as it's a bit worrying. Monitor also showed a few bradycardia during the night as well, so I'm waiting to discuss this new symptom with the cardiologist. Still haven't had results of CT scan back to see if there are other issues yet so I'm a bit in the dark. From your history it sounds like you have had to attack this from both sides, I hadn't realised it could get this complicated.

hywell profile image

Hi Beaky l am also on 5mg of Bis and get very tired at 3pm most days so have a small nap if home , tried to fight it but now just accept it . Am full of energy 7 till 3 and after my nap . Everyone works it out eventually . Good luck.

Thomas45 profile image

The side effects I had caused emergency admission to hospital so I no longer take any beta blockers. I have permanent AF, and my resting heart rate is between 70 and 110. As I can't feel the AF it no longer causes problems. I am on warfarin and self test

123Abc123 profile image

My side effects never went away. I’m on Atenolol now, much better.

Goldfish7 profile image

I never got used to Bisoprolol - breathlessness, cold extremities, very broken sleep, feeling generally not good. However, I did do better on the lowest dose but luckily now only have it as a pill in pocket for unpleasant arrhythmias (mainly tachycardia, long runs of atria and/or ventricular ectopics. I'm luck that my second ablation over a year ago seems to have sorted out my Rapid PAF. Still worried that the increasing atrial ectopics are a sign of its immanent return though!!

Andymurph profile image

I was diagnosed with Afib a couple of years ago. The cardiologist thought its onset was a consequence of an auto-immune disease I'd contracted a few months before.

Initially I was put on digoxin and Bisoprolol. ( also on Rivaroxaban)

To be honest the digoxin made me feel extremely low so it was stopped and he upped the Bisoprolol to 7.5mg.

My heart rate seems controlled - 70-90 bpm but I suffer severe fatigue and breathlessness, to the point where I can't even walk the dog.

It hadn't even occurred to me it was the Bisoprolol. Should I be asking my GP to prescribe something else ?

Icenae profile image
Icenae in reply to Andymurph

Definitely a side effect of bisoprolol. I am finding nebivolol much better but they don't like prescribing it as its expensive. I can go up stairs in one go now

shirljo profile image

Hello, when I started on Bisporol I too had side affects but was told to take before bed and now do that without any problems. Hope you feel better soon

MaggieMaybe profile image

I've been on bisoprolol for around 18 months now for atrial tachycardia. For the first month I felt bad, splitting headache and feeling like I had flu (same happened with propranolol). It was then increased to 2.5 mg, then 3.75 and each increase made me feel worse and brought my h/r down to just over 40.

So I went back to 1.25 mg, got used to it in a few months and now have no problem side effects but my h/r has now increased yo between 60 and 68 at rest.

I also have anxiety and bisoprolol didn't stop palpitations on its own, but when I added fluoxetine my h/r settled down. Now I get a few headaches and rare dizzy spells plus I often fall asleep in the evening, but even that seems to be improving. I don't think I could ever tolerate 5 mg though, and maybe not even half that. I was lucky that the lowest dose did the trick.

I took 1.25 for three days and it was dangerous for me as it brought my heart rate down too low- don't wait to "get used to ir" get the dose reduced!

I took it for 3 years, doses varied from 12.5 mg/day to 0.625 mg/day and I had horrible side effects at all doses.

Withdrawal was not a nice time either.

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