Paf how do you no it's happening glad you're feeling better
Paf: Paf how do you no it's happening... - Atrial Fibrillati...
My pulse is all over the place, 160, 78, 97, 110, this is over 30 seconds and I feel awful, can't walk a few steps as there feels like no oxygen reaching my legs and other parts of my body and I am breathless so I know immediately I am in AF but there are some people who have no symptoms.
All the above plus I wee like a racehorse
June - you'll often feel PAF (not all the time though by any means) - sort of a pounding and you are aware that it's kicking in (for me anyway). You could check your pulse as well if you are unsure.
Patsy - if you use a monitor when you are in afib the readings often show this. My Beurer displays the same. If your heart beats twice in quick succession then it 'jumps' up to 150+ ..... if it skips a beat then it slows down - all within a few seconds. Use the 30 second overall reading to get the average beats.
Hope that makes sense.