I watched Dr van Tulleken on BBC this morning describe how his brother, also a doctor, has just recovered from the virus. He said the virus gave his brother a cardiac rhythm blip and his brother needed a shock to restore his rhythm. He said this can happen with viruses, so I Googled this and read that 16.7% of the Wuhan patients developed arrhythmias. Another new fact about the virus!
Covid 19: I watched Dr van Tulleken on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid 19

The only time I have ended up in ReSus with my AF is when I caught a virus from my three year old great grandson.
Definitely another reason to try to evade the blighter. Mind you, viruses of any kind can do the same thing.
I wonder how many of the 16.7% had existing arrhythmias and how many didn’t.
They are such snot bombs! 🤣
I wish you hadn’t told me that my heart doesn’t need an excuse. 😥
Having said that although I have managed to avoid colds and flu for at least the past 5 years, I can remember that I did get AF once when I was unwell with something of that sort.
Anyway being 73 in 4 weeks time, having had AF in the past, having Bradycardia now and having a dodgy chest means I haven’t stepped out of the house except for my morning constitutional for two weeks.
Last episode of AF 2013 was when I had a virus. I suppose if we're looking for positives, many of us take meds to control arrhythmias.
My OH is also rejoicing ( but only slightly)in a I may be fortunate Jack pull up the ladder sort of way as he has sleep apnoea and a CPAP machine. No oxygen though
Hi BF I posted about the arrythmia connection to C19 about three weeks ago here ....
[Quote ''I found a document from The American collage of Cardiology called ..''COVID-19 Clinical Guidance For the Cardiovascular Care Team'' which noted that....
''In a recent case report on 138 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 16.7% of patients developed arrhythmia '']
....reading his gave me great cause for concern because I already have lenghly symptomatic episodes of P-AF every 10 days and if I catch the virus there is every chance I would have an episode while ill with the virus (not to mention added risk from bronchitis which I also have at the moment), I had visions of my heart going into overdrive.
So I am taking no chances and have been in self imposed isolation ever since and it seems a long time but necessary .
It’s certainly possible that a portion of the 16.7% previously had AFIB. Even if the numbers are slightly more weighted towards the older population, the percent of the population in general that have AFIB is still relatively low. My guess is that the majority of the 16.7 percent did not previously have AFIBand that a small minority did. I’m sure as time passes we will get more detailed info
Good point
I am just getting over a virus (no idea if it was THAT one) and my heart had lots of palpitations and runs of SVT, but I get this whenever I am fighting a virus. It's like an early warning system.
3rd week of lock down for me and I've had enough already. I was due to be sitting on the shore line of Lake Como next week 😥
I was diagnosed off the back of a virus and my repeated coughing triggered my AF and I too ended up in resuscitation. That’s why I’m ultra careful now about catching anything. I had flu at Xmas and it wiped me out but I had loads of Arrythmia also.
Yes I was told that when I went back into AF a year after my first CV. I had had a chest infection but it actually seemed to come on after I lifted a very heavy box in the garage. So don't think it was the infection as got antibiotics for that a short while after I went back into AF though I suppose I could have had the infection before and it contributed togoing back into AF
Or it could have been the antibiotic. Some have the side effect of inducing arrythmias. Been there.
yeah, stuff like ciproflaxcin (spelling?) gave me loads of SVT and ectopics all the time
Afib too. Cipro the evil gift that keeps on giving. I am nearly five years out from my last exposure and still not healed.
hey! i remember u, how u been? doing better? and yeah cipro sucks! i actually got a hip surgery last year and they pumped me full of cipro (to obviously avoid infection) and gave me a short SVT of 160 beats per min and i told the doctor that shit ur giving me its just not doing good for me and he’s like; well, we prefer that instead of u getting a serious infection at the hip wound... so, now imagine what kind of effects chloroquine will give ya!
They are idiots. There are other prophylactic antibiotics they can use . It's crazy using Cipro or any other FQ for a hip op when you think sbout how it attacks tendons and other soft tissues. I need a hip op - no cartilage at all in right hip which could be partly due to Cipro but it's on hold for now with all this covid epidemic. I've got no FQs in my file now. In 2 minds about chloroquine. Plaquenil is less toxic and I think I might have taken it for a trip to India in 1996. I 'm pretty sure I was floxed for the first time in 1989 but I don't recall any side effects from the antimalarial except loss of appetite.
always nice to talk to u; u have a lot of knowledge! have they said why cipro causes a lot of rhythm disorders?!
It is a class effect of all the FQs to increase QT interval which can be very dangerous. The other arrythmias are not acknowledged by the medical profession but are widely reported by floxies. The FQs are dangerous drugs -originally used as chemo but overtaken by others that were less scattergun. They are now being repurposed as chemo again now that both the FDA and EMA have advised against them for banal infections. Gotta keep up sales.
I have a lot of virus infections because I am immune suppressed and frequently need to have antivirals and nowadays, I only have arrythmias when I have an infection.
As others have said - if you have a known or unknown underlying tendency toward arrythmia - any virus is likely to trigger events.
My Electrophyiologist told me that the flu can bring back afib, even after a successful ablation so it’s important to get the flu vaccine every year.
One needs to be a bit cautious here. Many of the patients will have been older people who may have had pre-existing arrhythmias of which they may have been unaware. That said it does seem likely that the virus would cause problems for those with AF.
None of the medics I have so far seen has been able to decide what caused my AF some years’ ago but I think it was linked to a virus I had just recovered from. I also had a chest infection in January 2019 which sent my heart markers sky high and I was hospitalised and on oxygen for 5 days.