Today I phoned my GP to discuss different symptoms I was experiencing with my Afib. My GP was away and so I spoke to locum, explaining I had been in Afib since Sunday, but had experienced dizziness and a soreness in my chest. After asking me some questions the locum said it was a chest infection and prescribed me Minatev La.
Imagine my shock when reading through the notes I found it said "do not take this medication if you have an irregular heart rhythm"!!
Further on it says possible side effects included:
Torsades de Pointes, a life threatening irregular heartbeat
Chest pain and changes to heart rhythm such as palpitations
I rang the surgery and spoke to the locum who said it was ok for me to take, the company are just protecting themselves legally in case the medication interacts with any anti arrhythmia medication, but that he would prescribe something else if I preferred!!!! I will be taking this up with my GP on his return. I think I had a lucky escape and that he was negligent in prescribing that medication to me.