Hi, does anyone have any views on whether lone AF is one of the underlying health conditions causing concern for people catching the virus ? I imagine that it wouldn’t be considered one of the underlying conditions unless the AF is linked to other heart problems?
AF and Covid 19: Hi, does anyone have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF and Covid 19

I see they are listing age, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, diabetes, obesity, smoking, lung ailments ...all contribute to PAF so I'd worry more if you have any of those.
Me, I'm checking the "old" box and although I am a long ways from obese I am trying to get skinnier. Harder to do since I am avoiding the work out classes at the gym.
Hypertension is a very important consideration. See:
After reading that I may as well shoot myself.. Haha.

The recent Admin post suggested that LONE AF was not a concern but are you sure your AF is lone?
hi Bob,
I've just got home after being at the hospital to have a 24hr b.p. monitor removed. I also have an event monitor on which I've to keep on for another week. I've just been reading an article about the 'other' issues that can make this virus deadly regardless of age (I'm 65 though) and feel a wee bit worried now as it says hypertension and arrhythmias are included in this 'list'. Do you, or anyone else for that matter have any comments on this as to what should I be doing, other than the obvious hygiene stuff?
I'm not really one for panicking but admit this has just made me worry a bit more than I was.
stay well,
Blue x
I was given a flu jab on the basis that I had PAF!
I get a free flu jab from the GP for my PAF. I've had an ablation and not been in AF for over 2 years, and am relatively young (43) and have no other health issues, but still get the jab.

I think we are all concerned mainly I suspect because of the way this has been "sold" to us by the media. Ordinary flue kills thousands each year yet still people ignore the advice to have a jab along with basic hygiene precautions. I was at my Probus meeting on Monday and went to the gents and never in the field of human existence have so many hands been washed with such thoroughness! Since my wife was a carer for many years these basic hygiene regimes have been drummed into me despite my protestations that a bit of dirt did nobody any harm.
Seriously it is out of most of our hands.
We are all going to die one day. I would just prefer I wasn't there at the time.
Your protestations were correct. A bit of dirt is actually good for you. Scientists have just discovered that a bacterium found in soil ( from the mycobacterium family) makes seratonin and dopamine when it gets into our guts leading to being happier! So washing the dirt off our hands with too much zeal after gardening is counterproductive. They did not say anything about engine oil though so I still nag my husband after he has been tinkering with his bike!
Often used to be changing brake pads on the race cars with a sandwich in one hand. best we ever did was whipe our hands on an old rag.
Sounds familiar. Garage rags were the last reincarnations of old towels and t shirts. Fortunately ( or unfortunately) newer bikes need a lot less taking apart and putting together again than the old BMW did.
Thanks everyone, not sure whether I’m any the wiser ! I was told I didn’t need a flu jab due to having lone AF. I had one all the same.
I've had flu jab for 20 years because I have AF.
You'd think it wold be a national policy, clearly not !
I feel we can all ruminate, worry and look at gloomy possibilities but apart from hand washing and staying in the sunshine(!) and getting plenty of sleep it is in the lap of the gods!
Looking at that huge moon a couple of nights ago I felt it put things in perspective for some reason.
Percentages do not help us only the care planners.
Oh,I was called in this year fir free flu jab and one off pneumonia . This is in England
The Pharmacist refused to jab me, but the GP did.