Is anyone thinking of reducing their meds(selectively) in the event of pharmacy shortages?I have 3/4 essential meds.including Apixaban and verapamil.So i mean taking half the dose daily rather than the whole dose?I could ask the pharmacy for advice or my GP but would either answer 'truthfully'?
Reducing medications due to possible ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Reducing medications due to possible shortages?
Not me, just about to do a repeat request for pick up at end of week.
Thank you for your advice.
No do not reduce your med doses. Many meds are ineffective if not taken at prescribed dose.
Thank you. Just wondering how things are going to pan out!
I know. Im trying not to worry about it. I think the biggest concern was that many meds are from China. Looking like China is getting back to business
I definitely wouldn’t do that without discussing it with my doctor first x
Thank you ,just thinking about the possibilities of getting 'stuck'.
I agree with Paul about ordering with time to spare. Do you have someone who can pick up your made-up prescription from the chemist?
I’ve been trying to find out what the latest is and it sounds as if we’re mostly ok, for now at least, fingers crossed. Trying to post a link to a Guardian article but I can’t get it to work today.
My pharmacy is 2/3 miles from home.Chose it years ago because of the excell. service ,kindness and advice.However, part of a dept. store which is closing down (it opened in about 1870!) the phamacy is also due to close. The alternative is an 'iffy' Boots store.However, will prob. go for it as it is half a mile away and I can prob. get someone to collect.Husband is currently looking into a delivery serv ice via Boots .
I wouldn't reduce my med's without the go ahead from my doctor. The supply chain will be kept running IMO.
I think it's best to order as soon as you are able - pharmacy delivery services will be busy. Try and put an order in a few days earlier than you normally would. For me personally I'm going to take the recommended dose as told to by my cardio but I'll be on the ball to make sure I have a good supply. By that I mean I wouldn't leave it until the last minute (I normally do) before chasing the prescription up. Within having a two weeks supply left I'm going to act and check my prescription to ensure I don't run out.
Reducing important medication however well meant could actualy add to the NHS burden by putting people in hospital, not something I would wish to do ....
No I will continue to take as prescribed...anything else would be dangerous for me with high bp.
I usually put my repeat in a couple of days after I collect the previous lot. Some people actually drop it off that day!
Absolutely not. Take the dose you have been prescribed otherwise YOU could be the one needing hospital treat ment....
No way. Too scary. Try and get a bit in front with your supplies. Xx
I have two months supply at a time. I put my repeat prescription in every time I use the first months worth. If I do it any sooner than that the medication I order does not get sent to the chemist. I have 2 for AF. both due same day every 2 months and a different one every 3 months. So every now and then I have tried to order the three monthly one at the same time even if it only due in a couple of days it doesn't get as far as the pharmacy
Thank you. The GP practice I go to does not much like you to order too soon. But I have done it this time around.....I have three weeks supply....and it worked!I asked about reducung the dosages as I was fearful supplies may dry up so wondered what others thought of that.I may have been worrying unnecessarily.