Hi all, looking for a little reassurance. Had a second spell of AF on Tue after 18 months free of it. Hospital did all the cks and sent me home saying I may have permanant AF. Upped my bisoprolol from 2.5 to 5 mg. Heart is still irregular 24/7 at moment , BP is fine but I keep feeling good one minute and crap the next. Does this remain the norm or will it improve any over time? Thanks for reading this .
Second bout of AF: Hi all, looking for... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Second bout of AF

Totally ridiculous for the hospital to say you are in permanent AF! This is not something they should decide. Just because an event has lasted longer than 24 hours does not make it permanent. I suggest that you ask for an appointment with cardiology to discuss future options.
By the way are you on anticogulation yet? Aspririn as about as useful as a chocolate tea pot for stroke preventiion in A F .
Thank you Bob. Is it common to have this irregular heartbeat for a few days with periods of feeling good then not so good?
I suggest you get a Kardia or a similar device. When I would og into AF, 1st I would feel it, 2nd I would check my pulse, and to confirm 3rd took a reading with my Kardia, 4th because I had high blood pressure, I used my Omeron to see if the rate would register irregular. With the Kardia, you would also have the benefit of emailing your readings to your electrophysiologist.
I have been told by the arrhythmia nurses that Permanent AF means nothing will take you out of it, neither medication or cardioversion. Persistent AF is where you have a bout that lasts I think more than a week (could be continuous ie all the time like me) but will go back into normal sinus rhythm when cardioverted or possibkly with medication - though this is not the case with me. I do go back into NSR with cardioversion. Paroxysmal AF is when you drop in and out. Such a shame that all these are Ps isn't it? You definitely need to be monitored over a period of time I would think and need to see an electrophysiologist or a cardiologist.
Thank you for that . Main problem today is slight lightheadedness since increasing my Bisoprolol
I couldn't get on with bisoprolol at all. Or any other's for that matter. I had least problems with low dose digoxin. Was on apixaban -(Eliquis) as a blood thinner and that seems fine. It's all I am on at the moment waiting for ablation after 3 cardioversions all succesful 1st one lasted just short of a year, second one 4 months and 3rd still going strong after a month.
Earlier posts are in my opinion correct it's too early to say. Sorry it has happened after 18 months. It's the time bomb-I guess we live with.
My thoughts, look back in the smallest detail as to your lifestyle, food, drink, stress, everything that could be the trigger. Or in what combination could have been the trigger. It may give you some guidelines going forward.
Best wishes.
Caffeine, alcohol, msg, high blood pressure are all things that have set me off in the past.