Hi I have just come out of hospital in the Canaries as I couldn't regulate my afib. They have taken me off aspirin and put me on edoxaban. Does anyone have experience of this drug. Side effects etc and what to do if you bleed.
Edoxaban: Hi I have just come out of... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Sounds as though you had very good advice as aspirin is not recommended for AF as prophylactic treatment against stroke and Edoxaban, being an oral anticoagulant is.
Plenty of people here on that drug and seems to have the best record of lack of side effects. I’m on Apixaban personally but maybe someone with experience will answer.
Bleeding has not been an issue for me - slightly longer clotting time for minor cuts but no issues with bruising etc.
The newer DOACs have an excellent record & all major trauma hospitals nowadays have clear protocols for anyone with major bleeds.
Best wishes CD
I'm an AFib aspirin treatment victim now gratefully on an anti coagulant. If I had been two years ago I firmly believe I would have avoided my serious stroke. Lost peripheral vision, was lucky I didn't lose my life according to the Johns Hopkins docs who treated me. Zero side effects on apixoban.
I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation last summer. Initially prescribed Edoxaban and Bisoprorol. I came off the Biso in November due to side effects. I was reluctant to take Edoxaban long term because of bleeding risk. And I did have one scare in October when I had blood in my pee! Rang 111, advised to go to A&E (on a Saturday night!!). But next two pees were clear so I discharged myself after a couple of hours. No signs of bleeds since. Generally, I’m happy to report no (obvious!) side effects. Long term - I can’t say.
I know others on this forum have expressed their concerns re long term use of anticoagulants, and I share their concerns. But on balance, I think the risk of stroke probably outweighs the risk of bleeding. I’ll keep taking the tablets 😊
Best wishes
Hi Great thanks but I'd love to hear from people as to the safest anticoagulant to take out of the 4 new ones with the least side effects
All 4 must be safe. Which one you are prescribed will depend on the most suitable for your health situation. I was offered a choice of two. One needed to be taken twice a day the other only once. I chose the latter - Edoxaban. Been taking it for over 4 years (after 10 years on Warfarin). No side effects. Big relief - only needing kidney checks every 6 months under my GP rather than monthly hospital blood tests on Warfarin. Also, no need to avoid foods high in Vit K. Advantages all round.
I asked for Apixaban as it seems to have the least side effects, I generally don't tolerate medication very well but I can honestly say I've had no side effects at all from Apixaban 👍
Thanks for your input bantam 12. It all helps to put together the big picture. Do you know about shoulder massage when taking blood thinners as I get really tight shoulders
A trained massage therapist will know the contra indications for massage. I have been on blood thinners for many years and have had regular massages for relaxation. There are different styles of massage and it is ok as long as it is gentle.
I have been on Edoxaban for about 6 weeks. I am getting tight arms and shoulders And tight neck! Is it recommended that you get shoulder massage when on NOACS? Haven’t read that anywhere. Your advice would be appreciated. Does the massage help. Could be another job for my lovely wife! Good job she loves me!
I take Xarelto (Rivoraxaban)I do bleed a little bit more if i cut myself and I do seem to bruise easily but apart from that I can't say I have noticed any side effects .I have taken them for 3years now .
Hi Swimsiroke. Re Bisoprorol: I started to get severe aches and pains and stiffness. I asked my GP if these symptoms could be side effects of Bisoprorol. She couldn’t say but suggested I come off them and see how I get on. My symptoms actually got worse and I thought this could be withdrawal. Several blood tests- and several weeks later - I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. GP prescribed steroids (😧). No further mention of Bisoprorol. Then last week, follow up at Cardiac clinic: I was advised that if I felt ok without the beta blocker, then ok to carry on without them (hooray!). I was informed of other possible treatments, e.g cardio ablation, but also informed that these are interventionist and and not always successful. As my AF symptoms are not a major issue for me (I hardly notice most days), the cardiac nurse was happy for me to just continue with the anticoagulant. She then discharged to me to my GP. (Hooray, hooray!)
PS: there is another forum where people discuss their response to Bisoprorol and other beta blockers. I can’t know for sure, but it does seem that to me that the Biso messed with my auto immune system, and I’m pleased not to be taking it anymore.
Best wishes