Hello there, Ihave been on Rivaroxaban for a few years now. Its certainly easier to take than Warfarin. However I have this year had a few episodes of vomiting, pain across the abdomen, feeling very cold etc. These have resolved, each time, but I am also a bit worried about colon health too as i seem to have got a bit of distension left side. Had 2 ultrasounds recently and have been told I dont have a hernia but do have gallstones, so have been looking into that a bit. I am going to have acupuncture for the gallstones, but am a bit worried geneally now about whether I should stop the Xarelto. My GP does do annual blood tests to check dosage, but thats all, and nobody has mentioned any adverse things about the drug. I found an American webpage (put up by a legal claim company) referring to Xarelto as "extremely dangerous" because it can cause liver damage!!! So I think it might be time to take a look at possible longer term effects, I dont khow if there are any studies available to read on this? Any help appreciated, I guess Xarelto has been on hte market a while now so there must be some kind of information available that is reliable?
Xeralto and side effects ?: Hello... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Xeralto and side effects ?

You really should have regular (3-6 monthly) bloods to catch any changes in liver function but if you take as prescribed, with a main meal containing fat & protein then the risk is low, as far as I am aware. Many people don’t take as prescribed or advised so the drug is not metabolised effectively - so the liver struggles to cope with clearing the drug from your system.
I would tend to take anything on a US legal claim site with a very large pinch of salt - metaphorically speaking.
You were given anticoagulants for a very good reason & any drug will have a risk profile however benefits should always outweigh the risks - if you have AF your greatest risk is stroke - anticoagulants are a prophylactic treatment for stroke prevention so I would think very carefully and discuss with your doctor before even thinking about stopping them.
Best wishes.
Hi Caroline. I changed from Xarelto to Endoxaban a while ago. I was experiencing what I would describe as IBS symptoms - and these have cleared up since the change of med. Xarelto caused me quite a few ‘gut’ problems. Liz
Hi. I take Apixaban but I do remember when I first went to the anti-coagulation clinic and they took my history I was advised to take Apixaban rather than Rivaroxaban because I had been having stomach problems (gastritis). It may be worth asking about. There seems to be a link for some people. Certainly it chimes with Tako2009's post.
Apixaban is taken 2 x daily as it has a shorter life in the body, but an advantage if you have a bleed. I too am monitored yearly and have no liver problems 🤞.
As for long term effects, I weighed up the risks and the risk of stroke seemed to outweigh any others.
gallstones will certainly cause the side effects that you have described.
When I had them I ended up in A+E as the pain was unbearable and presented like a heart attack
I'm not sure what you are expecting acupuncture to do for this condition. I had my gall bladder removed, no more pain

Thank you for your reply. So far i have had some pretty infrequent episodes, so its not doing anything htat dramatic. I got it once during a visit to hte pacemaker clinic which made me wonder if stress was a factor (!). but possible I had just wolfed down a sandwich before then. I am glad the operation worked well and cleared it up for you. Caroline
Do not blame it on the Xarelto. I have been taking it for three years and zero side effects; however, antibiotics and all sorts of pills over a number of years will affect the liver and gall bladder. You should look into liver and gall bladder flushes. I have been following this program for awhile. Since being diagnosed with Afib thirteen years ago, digestion and related things have taken a nosedive. Watch what you eat etc.
Nice to hear from you... no it’s just that these are very new drugs and so info from others helps as pharmacists etc may not have a user-based view I suppose. Caroline
What are gall bladder or liver flushes
I've been taking Xarelto since 2017 when I switched from Eliquis. My left forearm exhibits what looks like week old bruises and the occasional purpura. I switched because insurance covered a higher percentage of Xarelto than Eliquis. That's when I found out that it was Eliquis making my hair fall out. Also, Eliquis left both forearms covered in purpura.
For me, Xarelto is better, but, everyone is different.