I've been put on Metroporol 25 mg twice a day for recurrent SVT's. I suffer from low BP and the metroporol makes it even lower (along with other side effects). Is there an alternative that doesn't also lower your blood pressure? I'm considering having an ablation.
Metroporol : I've been put on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
You would need to ask your doctor as we are not medically trained and could not advise you.
Anything with olol as a suffix means it is a Beta Blocker - the only one I took was Bisoprolol but interestingly - that helped stabilise my BP which would often be 80/55 or therabouts and sometimes a lot lower.
It is now constant at 104/75 but I no longer take any drugs. Ablation is worth considering but don’t be surprised if they keep you on the drugs for some time afterwards.
Have you seen an EP and found out if you are a good candidate? Protocols differ from country to country and I can only comment on UK protocols which is the younger and fitter you are, the more likely you are to be a good candidate and for the ablation to be successful but please know it is not a cure - ablations causes scarring within the heart which is what blocks the rogue electrical impulses - but scarring heals so AF can return at a later date.
My second lasted for 3 years but many people have had more success and found first has worked for them and lasted for many years.