Blood Pressure Too High: Currently BP... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Blood Pressure Too High

PeterWh profile image
28 Replies

Currently BP is high again so looking to lower it or at least not making it any higher until I see GP.

What tips that temporarily would lower blood pressure and things that would make it higher.

I know drinking lots of water and taking salt raises. Taking a hot bath lowers.

What does walking do? What other things lower?

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PeterWh profile image
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28 Replies
Goldfish_ profile image

Exercise, weight loss, low salt diet, meditation , no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Goldfish_

Thanks. I knew about the other things and following. Until about a month or so ago BP was always on the low side but now gone high.

gemsmum profile image

Apart from the usual things mentioned I eat a square of 80 per cent dark chocolate, a banana and a glass of skimmed milk every day, not all at the same time. I don't take blood pressure tablets and maybe it is my imagination but I think it helps and my blood pressure stays around 120/68. Will be interested to see other tips, hope it sorts itself out soon without tablets, kind regards.

gemsmum profile image

Sorry I meant 85 per cent, I buy it form Aldi, bit cheaper but tastes good.

Beancounter profile image

Hi Peter

There was an interesting article on the BBC website today

They say that they have tested various methods of HIT exercises and using a hand grip acheived an average 16% reduction in systolic BP.

Not saying it's a cure all but as an adjunct to other forms of lowering blood pressure sounds interesting

Be well


souljacs4 profile image

I take beetroot capsules I don't have a link but if you Google beetroot juice/blood pressure you will find a lot of evidence to support this. I took it for two months and it brought my blood pressure down I it stopped it to see what would happen and sure enough my blood pressure went back up so I now take it them every day .

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Peter

Deep breathing never fails to bring my blood pressure down, but doesn't do a thing for my heart rate. I've heard it said that sitting and stroking an animal can bring it down too, but of course you would have to like that animal.


Rellim296 profile image

Beetroot juice Peter. 70mls per day. And beetroots are very very low in vitamin K. There was something about vinegar on Trust me I'm a Doctor last night - I was not really listening and was not watching at all. Also mentioned was exercising your hand grip as Beancounter says.

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to Rellim296

I see souljacs4 also mentions beetroot.

souljacs4 profile image

I did try the juice but found it was staining my teeth so changed to the capsules I get them in the local health shop.

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to souljacs4

Stains the teeth? That's not all it does!

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to Rellim296

Disgusting stuff and I bought the most expensive one. Apart from not normally eating beetroot it had a horrible earthy taste.

My waste not want not wife said that she would finish the carton but one glass was enough even for her!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to seasider18

Oh dear! Have a look perhaps at the capsules as they might be more cost effective and thus palatable in every way! I had a beetroot and something smoothie when I was on holiday in Scandinavia which was OK.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to Rellim296

As I said in another conversation I'm never convinced that dehydrated items retain all the goodness of the original product. Compare instant coffee with the real thing, no comparison:-)

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to seasider18

Very true. But beetroot does have that earthy taste....

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to Rellim296

One house we bought had beetroot growing in the garden. I soon got rid of it and planted more strawberries.

One makes your urine red and the other acidic.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Rellim296

Well it is an earthy vegetable!!!

Personally I love beetroot and always have done since a child as my grandfather always grew them!!!

PeterWh profile image

Thanks for the responses so far.

Up until the beginning of July BP was consistently hovering around the 105 / 75 or a bit less.

Then started going up in July but didn't really realise it since I was using the electronic storage of the Microlife BP Monitor.

Then early August I did realise it was higher and went to GP. She was concerned as to the number of times diastolic was 90 or above (less worried about systolic) and prescribed Perindopril 2mg which I have been taking for 3 weeks now.

However it has not dropped much and yesterday evening was circa 153 / 106. Dropped a bit this am to 134 / 89. On Wednesday I had booked an appointment with one of the other partners since my own GP is on holiday.

Was looking for tips in the interim (I did have two beetroot yesterday).

PeterWh profile image

Thanks Jo. Well spotted about the things listed in the other posts!!

I actually had a Kidney function test on Tuesday and the result was OK (she wanted this 3 weeks after starting Perindopril.

Just spoken to the surgery and managed to get an appointment with my own GP first thing Wednesday morning rather than with the new GP Monday evening so taken that as she knows a lot of my history which saves a lot of bother!!!

Tototcx profile image

Hi there, As this is a short term fix youre looking for before going to see you're gp I would like to encourage you to try not to worry too much. Worry obviously causes an increase in adrenaline which doesnt help your blood pressure either! I know its easier said than done sometimes, but given that there is little else to be done until Wednesday I'd try to keep distracted. Unless of course you don't feel well.

The doctors will sort you out next week . Take care.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Tototcx

Thanks for comments.

I am not worried about it but the haziness / floaters is a bit infuriating but doesn't stop me seeing. The fact that kidney test is OK is good.

I had been then for sure I would have got an appointment for today!!!! After all I even delayed it by just over a day to see my own GP.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to PeterWh

Last year I woke one morning and felt that one eye was short sighted and near items a bit blurry with distance OK. Boots opticians where I had my annual eye test three days before were not interested and said to go to A&E.

I phoned the eye clinic at the hospital as they had done my cataracts about 18 months before and got an appointment for three days ahead. Over the next few days the eye more or less righted itself and the hospital thought that it had been caused by my BP dropping to much during the night or a sudden jump in my blood glucose and causing non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION).

It comes and goes and at some follow up appointments my sight is perfect and no other problems have been found with extensive tests. At the moment I can read a sign over the road with that eye but the computer screen is blurry with that eye but fine with the other.

SRMGrandma profile image

Exercise, removing oils from your diet, and drinking hibiscus tea (use a straw). Hibiscus tea has been compared head to head with antihypertensive drugs in some studies and shown to reduce systolic BP by at least 12 points. It definitely does that for me. The tea is rather bitter so I brew 4 bags of hibiscus with one bag of peach to take the edge off, and mix that with 4 cups hot water and that seems to be a good mix.

Rellim296 profile image

Arrive at the surgery at least half an hour before your appointment, Peter. Years ago my GP one before last had me wait on the doorstep for the surgery to open and I had to lie down in an unused room and keep still for half an hour and then someone would come and take my blood pressure! He didn't do it himself. It was usually much lower when we had been through this performance and gave a truer picture than jumping up when surprised by a summons, walking ten steps in, sitting down and cuff on. Is it actually a good idea to be thinking of lowering it before you are getting it tested?

VeeT profile image

Beetroot good, beetroot juice an acquired taste - one which I haven't managed- but cherry juice is supposed to be good too and much more palatable.

cbsrbpm profile image

I find breathing in to 4 and out for 7/8 lowers my blood pressure immediately so if your sitting quietly it helps to do this now and again. Relaxation and no stress also helps. Hope you get sorted Wednesday.


higgy52 profile image

I buy a packet of cooked beetroot from Tesco 3 times a week 55p only, and taste really good.

PeterWh profile image

Another quick remedy tip is to have a long hot bath (1 to 2 hours!!!).

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