Anybody experience extreme fatigue wh... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Anybody experience extreme fatigue whilst in sinus node? Can my daily episodes of extreme fatigue/tiredness be caused by Rivaroxaban?

Frustrated12 profile image
13 Replies

Hello again and big thank you to all who replied to my last post. No end of good advice and reassurance.

I am suffering daily spells of extreme fatigue. Just comes over me, so strong that sometimes I think I might fall over. Could it be side effect of the anticoagulant Rivaroxaban? Anybody got experiences of extreme tiredness whilst in sinus node for whatever other reason. If so - what if anything have they done about it? I'm 76. Be pleased to hear experiences and suggestions..

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Frustrated12 profile image
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13 Replies
Bagrat profile image

I am about the same age as you. When on a higher dose of flecainide I used to get this extreme fatigue you describe. I would just feel I must lie down and it passed within 30 mins . I use relaxation tapes or mp3s. which help as my mind plays physical tricks once I'm aware of a symptom

I was on warfarin then.

I've never been on rivaroxaban - am on apixaban now.

I don't know what it signifies but mine was not every day and I just thought it a small price to pay for sinus rhythm. It has reduced considerably now and my dose of flecainide is lower.

Frustrated12 profile image
Frustrated12 in reply to Bagrat

Thank you for replying. Will go and see GP.

absolutepatsy profile image

I have been taking Riveroxiban for 2 years and have not had any problems with fatigue while on this. Are you taking Beta Blockers for example, Bisoprolol as they can come with a lot of side effects such as extreme fatigue, feeling like you are walking through treacle, dizziness, tingling fingers and toes to name a few. As the medication you take for AF can react differently in each of us it would be a good idea for you to contact your heart specialist, either Cardiologist or Electrophyscologist (you may need to see you GP first for a referrel) as they can change your meds till you find a better quality of life. It's difficult to tell what might be going on with you as I am not medically trained and can only offer my experience. I have had to change meds up to 4 times to find one which makes me feel normal so don't suffer in silence.

There is light at the end of this strange tunnel. Hope you feel better soon.

Frustrated12 profile image
Frustrated12 in reply to absolutepatsy

Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated. I'm a bit of an 'over-thinker'! Only other medication is maximum dose pantoprazole.

Tako2009 profile image

You don’t say what other medications you are taking, but as others have said these can cause extreme fatigue. But to answer your question- yes, I have experienced the chronic fatigue you describe while taking Rivaroxaban. In my case there were no other symptoms but the cause of the tiredness was eventually diagnosed following blood tests as anaemia caused by a very slow gastric bleed that the anti coagulant had either caused or maintained.

To reassure you, I understand that what happened to me is quite rare and I’m absolutely fine now after a minor procedure to fix the bleed. I am also back on an anticoagulant- just not Riveroxiban! However I had no other symptoms other than extreme fatigue so my advice would be to ask your GP to arrange for a blood test if only to rule this out as a cause of your fatigue.

Wishing you well, Liz

Frustrated12 profile image
Frustrated12 in reply to Tako2009

Thanks Liz. Only other big-time medication is maximum dose pantoprazole. Will try a visit to GP.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Frustrated12

Is that a PPI? They can stop magnesium absorption and magnesium deficiency can lead to fatigue.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Yes, I used to get periods of extreme tiredness.

If out walking, I would feel I couldn't take another step and quite honestly wanted to lie on the ground until I felt better. At home in the evenings, I could be watching t.v. and then just as if someone had turned a switch the extreme tiredness would take hold. I was putting it all down to my AF, but it was discovered that I had an under-active thyroid which was caused by taking the pill Amiodarone. I now take medication to right this and am fine.

Ask your doctor if you can have a thyroid function test.


Frustrated12 profile image
Frustrated12 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you. Still a newcomer. Lots of good support on this site. Best wishes.

CDreamer profile image

Hi - I am hoping your question should read NSR = normal sinus rhythm rather than sinus node?

As has been explained above, there are many reasons for fatigue and different interpretations of extreme. Extreme to me means I cannot get out of bed without my muscles screaming and I literally cannot stay awake - and yes I do have days like that!

Other interpretation would be - I can’t continue doing what I used to do without feeling tired.

If your definition is the former then slow down and rest more. If the second go see your doctor ASAP and get tested as that sort of fatigue is a symptom of many different diseases - one of which may be thyroid or anaemia (which is not always because of a bleed) and both of which can be treated.

Of course no-one can say for certain but I think it unlikely that Rivaroxaban in itself would cause fatigue, Bisoprolol certainly, AF even though you may be in NSR - to an extent, other causes - numerous but if it is truly lessening your QOL then you should go back to talk to your doctor.

Best wishes CD.

Frustrated12 profile image
Frustrated12 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks for reply. Yes you are right, should be NSR just not quite used to the names yet. What with other medical issues, life can be quite baffling.

Polly159 profile image

Yep, tiredness goes with AFIB like a horse and cart - and sometimes the cart is before the horse! I was on Rivaroxaban as soon as I was diagnosed and even before I had any other drugs to manage the AFIB. It didn't cause tiredness, but everyone reacts differently. Bisoprolol had no side effects for me, but Sotalol did - quite breathless a lot if the time. Now on Amiodarone and so far (after ablut 6 weeks) no side effects. I still feel tired after even the shortest episodes.

Take care


Palpman profile image

I am on Flecainide 100mg twice per day and it keeps my SVT's at bay.

Only problem is that 3 out of 7 days I feel dizzy and lethargic for about half an hour. It gets so bad that I have to lie down in case I should fall down.

Not sure what is causing this except that I have excessive red blood cells.

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