It's been a little over two weeks since my ablation I am totally exhausted I thought by this point I'd be a little more feeling like myself but I am so tired most of the time
Post ablation exhausted : It's been a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post ablation exhausted

Another reason why we wrote our guide to recovery. People just do not understand how long it takes to recover. Just because you do not have a giant zip up your chest does not mean that your heart is free of trauma . Three months is just the start of recovery so hang in there and remain positive.
Are you getting any days when you feel a little better Euve? With me I'd be up and down all the time, one day thinking I'm cured and the next utterly worn out. My second ablation took a good three months, before I felt that I had lasting energy again.
I just posted something similar. It’s been a month and I am exhausted & short of breath. My EP gave me the impression that a week or so of “taking it easy” was all I’d need. No AF yet though 🤞
It’s good to know I’m not alone! Hope your recovery goes well.
Thank you same to you
So how is your heart now?
When you posted straight after your ablation you said you thought it was a failure as you were having AF episodes.
Has your heart settled down now?
You need to rest still and give it time.
I had my ablation on 15th April, in the hospital I was told to expect to rest for a "few days" and could go back to work in a week .......... ha ha ha!!!!
Luckily I had read and digested the guide to recovery the lovely Bob (God bless you Bob) has mentioned so was prepared that this might not be the case. I also felt exhausted most of the time and actually needed an afternoon nap for about 3 weeks! My concentration and focus was rubbish.
One GP in my practice was fantastic, helped by the fact that one of his colleague has had 2 ablations, he was really clued up and totally understood, but sadly I cannot say the same for the other GP's I came across.
I went back to work on 3rd June, health wise I could have gone back a week earlier but I work in a school and it was half term. First 2 weeks were a phased return, starting on 3 hours a day and building up gradually to a full day by the end of the second week - for me this worked well.
I started noticing greater improvements in July, my stamina is now much better and I can walk up hills now with out having to pause to get my breath back. I am not getting the 'heavy lead legs' feeling as often when going for a walk. My heart is behaving it's self for the most part. I still get an occasional brief flutter/palpitation and the odd light headed sensation, which so far has been very brief and seems to be resolved by lowering my head to my knees.
Whilst I understand that we are all individuals and our recovery time can vary it is a shame the medics do not warn patients that it may take some time. I was a bit shocked when I asked the arrhythmia nurse a question after my ablation and her reply was that I didn't need to worry about it because I was cured. A very bold statement which does not seem to match what I have read.
So I would say listen to your body, take your time and keep resting if you need to, it's still early days.
Wishing you all the best and an uneventful recovery!
I’ve written of my own experiences. These might help. My procedure was at the beginning of June. Only very recently have I begun to feel reasonably well - but even now I am far from my usual self.
Hi Euve
I think we possibly had our ablations done around the same time - mine was my first and was on 15th July. I’m now managing to take my dogs for a slow walk each day. I am also still quite tired and put my feet up on the sofa most days for about an hour! I’m also so pleased I found this forum as had no idea how long recovery would take and it’s so reassuring to hear how others are coping
Hi Lottie 57 and Euve.
I also had my ablation on the 15th July. I seem to be recovering well. Few bumps of the heart, mostly early evening and when i lay down to sleep.
I am also very tired. I was beginning to regret having the ablation done, so reading these posts has reasurred me, that this is the norm and part of the recovery.
I am learning for the first time in my adult life, to listen to my body and rest. Luckily my family are older now and can help out. I cannot imagine what it must be like for mum's, having an ablation, who have young children to take care of.
Take Care.
It took me a good few months after each of my ablations (I've had 3 ) before I felt like I had got my energy levels back.If it hadn't been for this forum and the fact sheets I would have thought I was a proper wuss, as the information leaflet I was given from the hospital said I could return to work after 1 week .After my 1st procedure I had 3weeks off work.The 2nd I was off for 6weeks due to complications and with my 3rd I was off for 2 weeks.Everyones recovery is different and how your body reacts is different too.If I hadn't had the information from this forum I would have been so lost .So thankyou everyone for all your great contributions. .
You don’t know how much I am enjoying reading yours and others replies to this question. I didn’t know about this forum or the AF Assoc when I had my ablations. I really did feel like I was the worst wuss and hypochondriac possible, I just wasn’t prepared for the way I felt. My first ablation was 6 hours and the second 7 hours under GA. I expected a few weeks but not three months. Makes you feel as if you are more normal!
I had my ablation last year. Luckily I had read the post ablation sheet on here. It took me ages to get over the exhaustion. The drs just don’t understand I’m afraid. I went to my gp about it notone I usually see. Her words were, ‘ oh crikey you’re going to feel like shit for ages!’ And she was right! Once I was off the beta blockers I started to feel better. Rest up and be kind to yoursel
Bobs soooooooooo right...........two weeks is still the resting time.......then it’s a slowly slowly approach that seems to be the best advice.....I found I’d feel normal sitting down and then if I did too much it was as if the breaks were out on.......I was likejean Jeanie......some days up some days down..........I have always done a circularwalk around morzine pre ablation, yet even three months in I felt like I had leaded legs some days........six plus months I’m normal!
If you’ve still taking tablets like bisoprol they slow you down for a good reason......
Chin up......brighter times will come,
Took at least a a month after April when I had mine to feel I had more energy and like Jean says, felt really good one day, then not so the next. Its a long road, I'm 3 months now and feeling better after a bit of a Blip, had to to be cardio inverted with flutter just over a week ago. But thankfully in sinus and feeling OK after a little tiredness. Got to be kind to yourself and give yourself time, something I don't to myself, it's a major thing with the heart and healing is a long process, I think more 6-12months than what the doctors give of 3 months blanking period, bit optimistic in my opinion. Take care of yourself and allow yourself bad days is my best advice .
Thank you
I am 5 weeks in, and am now at the point where I do actually feel better. The first 3 weeks or so were tough. Everything I did (which was VERY little) left me totally exhausted --- that, coupled with weird things going on in my chest almost made me question whether or not the ablation was worth it. But, it will get better each day, so just hang in there and take care of yourself.
Thank you
It took me a couple of months to recover from mine. Was told to listen to your body and sleep whenever you feel the need if you can.
I had cardioversion on 27 June for atrial flutter and similarly have felt up and down ever since. Feeling bit more energetic today and even tackled hedge trimming. Have still had palpitations but also noticed trying to concentrate on something makes them ease off. It needs to be explained that none of these procedures are quick fix. However so much better than previously, definitely felt I was on scrap heap just hope never comes back.
Mine was on 10th July, and still getting breathless on going upstairs, and slow walking esp if on incline, worse than when I was in AF. I am confident they did a v good job. Had a few ectopics early on, but all feels steady now, but weaker than before I had the AF.
So very good to hear people's experiences in here. I had a set back second week, became seriously anaemic due to extreme blood loss from pressure on fibroids I have co-morbidly. Now still rebuilding the haemoglobin, but a hell of a lot better.
For me tho, I know I had a reduced left atrial pump function (ejection fraction), 46 to be precise, 4 days before the a lation on my MRI. This feels less now, so from what you are all saying here, wondering if maybe similar for you .. ??
I thought it was just me ! After my ablation I felt rubbish for at least 2 weeks . Now 2 months later definitely starting to feel more human after struggling with af and a pulmonary embolism in January. Due my follow up appointment in September, bit nervous as what to expect happens and what they may say but I am certainly feeling considerably better. Been a long road for sure .
3 months before I got my pre ablation energy levels back.