Turtles for Hoski + EMFs/RF impact re... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Turtles for Hoski + EMFs/RF impact research

7 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm sharing these photos to follow up on comments Hoski & I shared in a conversation the other day. This is the little lake I walk around every day. Yesterday I made it up to over 4 miles for the first time in a very long time, so I was happy about that!

It's always a treat to follow the path out of the woods and see the lake on a sunny morning because that's when the turtles line up on the log in the picture to sun themselves. When the whole gang comes out, there will be 18 of them. On this day, a duck joined the line up. They are so cute; I love the way they line up facing the same direction, heads looking upward into the sun.

As for EMFs & RF....my latest project is learning about fairly simple changes that can lessen the health impact of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and RF -radio frequency - yes, that's what they use in ablations - but we're exposed to lower levels of it from wi-fi. Of course, in this modern era, we're constantly dealing with them. I've made a few changes recently that have made a surprising difference in how I feel. I'll mention some here and if there's interest, I'd be happy to share more specifics about resources.

I've used an ethernet connection for my laptop instead of wi-fi for a while now. I just bought a shielded cable and started turning the wi-fi off completely except for when I need to back up my iPhone. Having it off at night has made a huge difference in my sleep quality. I haven't had insomnia since doing this.

I may still buy an inexpensive shield to put over my modem/router that shields most of the RF, but still allows enough to signal to get out.

It was pretty easy to reconfigure some surge strips so that I can easily unplug most of my electronics at night, as well as everything in my bedroom. Before doing this, I had unwittingly set myself up in quite a strong EMF soup at my laptop desk, which I need to sit at a lot in order to do my online teaching. I've redone all of that and notice a big difference in how I feel.

I did purchase a grounding mat, but I have learned that one must be cautious with them. I learned about "dirty electricity" and have ordered a meter to test for this as well as a filter to clean it up. My understanding is that if there's a wiring problem or other issues, electricity can end up coming through the ground and so into the mat, which it's not supposed to. When I tried to use the grounding mat on my bed the other night, I almost immediately went into AF. So I'm not using it at all till I do this testing and see if the filter helps. Fortunately, the owner of the company suggested I return the meter once I test, so that will save money.

I'm not promoting them, but sharing the info: greenwavefilters.com/

Here's some info on the grounding mat and "Earthing." Dr. Steven Sinatra contributed a section in the book on Earthing. He's the cardiologist who's been mentioned at the forum for his work in Metabolic Cardiology. earthing.com/what-is-earthing/

Anyway, so far, so good. It's an interesting topic, easy to be overwhelmed by all the info, but I'm determined not to be. 😊 Dealing with AF is good training in that way. Just trying things out and seeing if they help. It's always nice to find some simple, inexpensive changes that have a positive impact. I thought folks might be interested in hearing about them.

7 Replies
TamlaMotown profile image

Hi Nella. Ahh 'summertime & the living is easy' comes to mind looking at those turtles & the duck 🐢🐢🐢cheered me up this morning 🤗

in reply to TamlaMotown

Glad the turtles worked their magic on you.🐢😻🐢😻 They’re quite popular among the regulars at the lake.💕💕

Aww I LOVE the pics, turtles are so cool! Thankyou💜

in reply to

They make me smile every time I see them! We get the occasional heron, egret, otter, deer...one day they all appeared and a lady I was chatting with said, “It’s like a Disney movie!” As if on cue, a family strolled up to the bank, with their little girl wearing her Frozen princess dress!😂😹😹

in reply to

That is so cool. I believe everytime we relax and have those smiling moments, it throws a dagger in to a fibs ugly heart and sprinkles fairy dust on our good hearts💜

CDreamer profile image

Sounds like the improvements you have made have been beneficial for you.

Love the pics!

in reply to CDreamer

It was very interesting to learn at my acupuncture appt yesterday that I’ve gotten stronger. A leap in an area that had been fairly week. It seems that my body is under less stress since making these changes.🐢🐢🐢😻

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