I have not been particularly prone to anxiety with Afib. but recently am being affected......usually spouse related!Typically, a small job in the house that i requested him NOT to do turned into something long winded and difficult and to which i was eventually drawn into to. This left me with more than an hour of fast and unpleasant palpitations with much heightened anxiety.Any advice appreciated!
Permanent Afib. and anxiety - Atrial Fibrillati...
Permanent Afib. and anxiety

I DO understand ! Best advice I can give is take a Bisoprolol and whenever remotely possible do the job yourself ....🙄😃
Been there, done that and bought the tee shirt. 😂
I have now almost persuaded other half that there are lots of experts looking for work and we should help them. Cue comment . . . but I can do it better. Answer . . . but wouldn’t you rather do something interesting instead?
Been there too, even more annoying when the end result is not even what you asked for 😤
The old proverbs are the best 'Yesterday I was clever and wanted to change the world, today I am wise and am changing myself'
I have permanent afib and am on Bisoprolol 2.5mg once per day. My cardio told me to just take another bisoprolol when I get such moments as you describe. Seems to work for me.
just ignore him you don't need the stress pay a man to do the small jobs for you ease ur a fib
ignore him and pay a man to do it good luck megs
Tell him he has to pay for your stay in an hotel (good one) while the job is being done. 😡🤣
I found divorce worked very well for me! I also take Bisoprolol and Digoxin but my anxiety disappeared and my happiness soared when I opted for single status. Highly recommended!!
I have proximal at but have had recent episode for nearly three weeks so think I have now got permanent af.
I too find that any difficult or emotional situation which raises my heart rate brings on noticeable faster and irregular heartbeat.
I'm on flecainide 100 mg am and on and Adizem240 mg. Was advised to take extra 50mg am and pm as pill in the pocket but to no effect so discontinued that
I try to meet calm but difficult with hubby aggravation
Walk away. DO NOT BECOME INVOLVED ... just simply say “sorry dear, you started it ... now you must finish it” ... go into another room and do your thing until the task is completed ... it’s difficult because we love to supervise!!
Mindfulness meditation is a nice, and simple addition, to all the above suggestions. I've found it very helpful in reducing anxiety and symptoms that oft accompany it.
I've got one that is just same but non of the jobs ever get finished so I usually get someone to finish them and tell him I'm sure you have more important things youd rather be doing it works 9 times out of 10