Low heart rate 2 months after Pacemak... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Low heart rate 2 months after Pacemaker and AV node ablation

Bettiehough profile image
6 Replies

I have ME and also had Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. [Fast irregular heart rate} Last December I got a pacemaker and my AV node was destroyed so I am dependent on a pacemaker. My resting hearrate settled at about 70 after the pacemaker.

I started with Low dose naltrexone [LDN] 2 months ago and am now on 4 mg. i am using this to help normalise my immune system which is out of whack with Myalgic Encephemyilitis. MY health improved with at first my energy levels rising and then after about 4 weeks my pain levels decreased.

I got guests for 10 days and was much more active than in years. I went from bed bound to going out and when my guests were here we went to restaurants without my wheelchair. I expected to crash when they left and I did but not as bad as i expected.

The only thing that worries me is that my resting heart rate which averaged at something in the seventies went right down when I crashed to something in the fifties.

I am feeling quite fatigued but that could be the ME too. Any one else here who has a pacemaker had a sudden steep drop resting in heart rate.

I am wondering what caused it and if I should be concerned . I am currently abroad and far away from my EP

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6 Replies
Bettiehough profile image

I am not on any heart medications except for apixaban and pravastatin

Hopefully Fibfab who is a cardiac physiologist will help. She explained the concept of physiological pacing by modern pacemakers. Maybe that is your situation. Have a look at her recent replies.

Bettiehough profile image
Bettiehough in reply to


Bettiehough profile image

fibfab do you have any asnwers for me?

Fibfab profile image

Hi there,

It's obviously difficult for me to comment when I don't have the details of how your pacemaker is set. However, it's possible that a rate of 50bpm, for example, might have been set as a lower limit. This allows for a normal drop at night or rest. If this isn't suiting you then it's possible for it to be increased. Call and chat to the pacemaker staff. They should allow you to visit before your next scheduled check so that they can make some changes to improve your symptoms.

In the meantime, this lower rate is perfectly safe, even if it's making you feel a little fatigued.

I hope this helps

Bettiehough profile image
Bettiehough in reply to Fibfab

Thank you for answering so quickly fibfab. I also messaged you at your support group in Frome where we own a house, but my daughter lives there. What i find difficult to understand was that my resting heart rate was in the lower seventies for 3 months and then suddenly after lots of activity and me crashing with ME it suddenly went down to about 50 even as low as 46. I am also wondering if the medication LDN that I also have been using for 2 months for ME could be a reason for that. I have a hisbundle pacemaker. I am very fatigued which is part of ME so I am not sure what is ME and if the lower heart rate is contributing to it.

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