7 weeks post ablation and pulse rate at rest is averaging 53 to 56 bpm. Feeling tired and wobbly inside. Should I be concerned or is this normal post ablation ? Still on flecanide 100mg daily and 3.75mg bisoprolol. Thinking I shouldn’t be taking evening dose of bisoprolol if pulse that low ?
Low pulse: 7 weeks post ablation and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Low pulse

Usual advice is not to change medication without advice, also I believe that if you reduce Bisoprolol it should be done very gradually. So I think you need to ask your GP or arrhythmia nurse what they advise. 53 is not dangerously low but likely to make you feel lethargic - I've been there! It is quite surprising as often the HR is raised after ablation so maybe the Bisoprolol is really putting the brakes on.
Hope you feel after soon.
53-56 bpm is perfect for a resting rate ur heart is not under as much stress as if u had 70-80 bpm while resting u will be ok
I had a low pulse just says after my ablation, it was 48 to 53, Doc stopped meds (Bisoprolol 2.5 and Digoxin 125), pulse then steadily increased to 72 over next 4 weeks. BP and pulse rate now good and not taking any meds apart from Rivaroxpan. See your Doc as you may well have a way to fix it.
I was told by several doctors that a pulse in the 50’s on Sotalol or Flecainide is perfectly acceptable. I would say 56 is even a good rate to have for someone with AF. You may find that the dizziness wears off after a while, or it may not be caused by the slow heart rate. Certainly mention this to your doctor.
Hi. I had an ablation done nearly 4 weeks ago. I was taking 20g lisinopril and 5mg Amlodipine until 2 days ago when i had to go back to my doctors as whenever i was standing or walking round for a while my blood pressure was dropping really low and i would feel hot and dizzy. The doctor has stopped my Amlodipine tablets but when i am sat my blood pressure goes up. She is going to arrange for me to wear one of those 24hr blood pressure machines but apparently there is a 2 week waiting list!! I guess once you have had the ablation done it takes a while for your meds to be put on the right dosage again. I am also on 100mg flecainide. I mentioned to the doctor that i feel really tired and she said that i would. I think it is a slow process and not a quick fix like i thought it would be. Have you got an appointment to see your consultant through yet? Hope you feel better soon.
Sounds a bit odd as I was told that testing heart rate usually increases post ablation and mine increased from 66 to 76 . But it’s right not to stop taking medication without advice. However I would try to get back to your EP ASAP . Everyone reacts differently and if the ablation has actually worked then it’s no wonder that the beta blocker and or he flecanaide is reducing your heart rate. I was taken off all
Medication except the blood thinner immediately and I only took the thinner for two months afterwards
So in short get advice
Ps I think most of us who have been through it will say feeling tired and wobbly after ablation is absolutely normal irrespective of heart rate !! Take no notice of what the doctors say about everything being back to normal After a week!
I couldn't agree more, I felt very tired and wobbly for a few weeks post ablation and my heart rate was hovering around and below 50bpm. I was told post-op no exercise for 10 days, then should be fine. Still struggling post-exercise with tightness of chest with pressure pain & general soreness in the chest area. Just take it easy, rest up & accept it may take alot longer than you were led to believe! I suppose it should be worth it if it fixes the problem.
If you have an arrythmia nurse my advice ask them they know more about AF and meds than many GPs.