I wrote a post a day or so ago asking if anyone had experience of D-Ribose. I think one person replied saying they knew another who had and reported had good experience of it calming their heart.
I was advised to take it for chronic fatigue so started researching - as I am often do! You may be interested in what I am discovering as I hadn’t heard of this before although it has been known about and researched for 30 years.
I first came across this supplement from Dr Myhill’s book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrone were she explains why people get so chronically tired and don’t improve with rest - the Mitrochondria cannot recycle ATP quickly enough so whole body is unable to function - literally as anyone with any experience of CFS will tell you. This can have a particular affect on all organs, heart included - see below.
So what’s that got to do with AF? You may well ask - well maybe for some people - quite a lot.
Quote:- Dr Myhill - from her book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrone
1. Angina: Where there is poor mitochondrial function there is an early switch into anaerobic metabolism with the production of lactic acid in the muscles, including the muscles of the heart. Lactic acid burn in the heart is called angina. Cardiologists interpret this as poor blood supply; where this is the case, the angina clears rapidly with rest. In CFS the lactic acid burn is prolonged because the mitochondria are so slow to make ATP. These patients are often diagnosed with ‘atypical chest pain’, which is actually not a diagnosis at all.
Well that MAY explain why some people get pain from AF?
2. Dysrhythmia: With poor energy delivery at the cellular level, there may be disturbance of the electrical conductivity which causes ‘dysrhythmias’ (irregular heart beat).
More recently - I found quite a few references in WebMed, Healthline and this:-
Once you get into the studies it gets even more interesting - yes there have been studies which I won’t bore you with now.
I have recently started taking D-Ribose - best taken with caffeine believe it or not - and all I can say is that I am experiencing a marked improvement in my energy levels - I’m not making any claims but reporting my experience.
I would be really interested to hear of anyone who has used this supplement, along with COQ10 and their experiences.
Lovely day - managed 2 hours of reasonable exercise in gardening - so lovely to out in the fresh air.
Enjoy the rest of your week-end - Best wishes CD