Hello everyone, Is it possible to tell if you ae in AF? I have a long and complicated heart history including a prolonged period of AF when I was hospitalised. I thought I was finally recovering well, but these last couple of days I have felt unreasonably tired and collapsed. Is it likely I am in AF? I am seeing a nurse this afternoon to have my INR measured, but am unsure how assertive to be!
How to tell if I have AF: Hello... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How to tell if I have AF

check your pulse, if it is regular you are not in AF
yes- pulse check is good- but also ECG shows a typical pattern with AF
Try and have same amount of green veg each day!
Heavens, you have had a rough time with your heart in the last few years. Have you considered getting a KARDIA ecg device to check for AF as and when? Very useful.
Have you had a check to rule out anaemia as a cause of your tiredness, with you being on warfarin? Thyroid problems are also a common cause of ongoing lack of energy.
Thanks for the information - I had not heard of Kardia before, but will investigate. Yes I am hugely anaemic and have devised an acceptable way of life to cope, but yesterday felt I didn't deserve the level of exhaustion. I had a leak along the stitches of my artificial mitral valve (the result of a drug allergy), but had it repaired after Christmas. To begin with my blood count leapt dramatically at roughly a point a day, but this stopped after a month. I think I need a GP appointment to try to find out which bit of me is malfunctioning now! Long live the NHS!
My INR used to vary a lot, even though I maintained a good regular and boring diet. Fortunately doc changed me onto rivaroxaban perhaps that may help
When I started taking Warfarin my INR was all over the place, so after 4 months I was put onto Rivaroxaban. Unfortunately I had a very rare side effect from Rivaroxaban and gave up taking it after 12 days. My GP gave me the choice of going back to Warfarin or trying any of the new anticoagulants. I chose to buy my own Coaguchek meter and go back to Warfarin, which I am still on five years later. Oddly my INR soon settled down after buying the meter.