Seen my Consultant this afternoon and amazingly three months to the day since the Ablation which followed on from the Flutter starting four weeks before that its no more Rivaroxaban and Flecainide stopping as well just have 200 mg for PIP. He is very optimistic that the Fibrillation which started two days after the Ablation was potentially just a blip and all is looking good. He couldn’t even get an ectopic to show up on the ECG which was perfect...bloody ectopics so unreliable, can’t even get them to show up when you need them. Off skiing on Sunday for five days so a) air flight b) exercise c) cold d) altitude so makes sense not to stop everything as he suggests until a week tomorrow when we get back. I will keep everyone up to date as to how it goes.
Merry Christmas : Seen my Consultant... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Merry Christmas

Good luck and enjoy the skiing. Where? I used to love Les Arcs.
You will be fine, drink plenty of water and give yourself as much time as possible at the airport to minimise stress levels...have a great time, but DON’T break a leg!!....😉
Good luck and enjoy your holiday...
Have a fab time Slim. Maybe your anxiety will settle a bit for you now 😉
It sounds strange but I feel so much more my old self just being told in eight days I can stop taking anything. Its illogical in one sense as I am still on the meds, but there we are the power of the mind. So to continue our soul thread obvious ones are “ain’t no mountain high enough” or perhaps the old Northern Soul classic “skiing in the snow”....
I think we are kindred spirits Slim you & I. The anxiety side of AF is crippling. I am a massive Northern Soul fan so I presume you are into it too 🤗
So here are 2 apt tracks for you. Don't Be Afraid, Bobby Taylor & You Can Do It, Kim Weston ♪♪.
Enjoy Skiing In The Snow Slim 😉
I suppose Johnny Johnson “Breakin’ down the walls of heartache” may fit. Its the anxiety that for me has been the most crippling feature. My massive optimism for a week today when I stop everything is so influenced by a new dread, what if I go back into Afib. That said I have a Cardiologist on the end of a phone who says they would do a Cardioversion within 48 hours and then back on the flecainide which we know works so there is a plan B. Just got to trust in his advice and see where we go. Lets hope its not just “A little misunderstanding”
Well done! Enjoy,yes agree drop meds afterwards seems sensible xxx
But one thing I have learned from every post on this site is hope for best but plan for the worst. I am lucky to have such a great Cardiologist. And dark cloud = silver lining, my youngest daughter has just done her final exams prior to becoming a doctor...and there were three questions on Atrial Fibrillation which she knew all about as a result of my experience over the last four months. I knew my AFlutter / AFib would come in useful.
That’s great news. Enjoy your trip. And congratulations to your daughter on her medical studies. It will be handy to have a doctor in the family 🎓
Great news for you. Enjoy skiing in the Dolomites - beautiful area.
So pleased for you and now get on with life pleasure to read your post have a fabulous holiday. We all need good news on this website and inspiration to learn there are solutions to this horrible complaint ☃️☃️☃️🍸 merry christmas
Skiing wow! I live in the mountain...hubby is skiing today.......I have my ablation January.....great to hear your news......enjoy your holiday
Have a wonderful carefree time with your family!!
Merry Christmas to you and family and have a wonderful vacation
Good luck to you and have fun!