Does anyone who gets woken up sudden ... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Does anyone who gets woken up sudden at night set off their Afib ?

Thompson123 profile image
25 Replies

Hi everyone ,

Many times in the night I can get woken up by my young children which sets of my heart facing . The other night I was woken by a firework took hours to calm my heart down.

Has this happened to anyone ? I pray that my children don’t wake me in the middle of the night .

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Thompson123 profile image
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25 Replies
Hennerton profile image

Yes, yes, yes. I live in a village next to a small branch line railway and was woken in the night by Network Rail drilling up the track without first notifying us. My very first attack of a fib started at that point.

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to Hennerton

Sorry to hear that . It’s so awful when it happens like that .

I’m dreading fireworks night / weekend think I’ll stay awake 🙈

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Thompson123

I find cotton wool stuffed in ears helps to soften the noise.

pottypete1 profile image

Yes it has happened to me at night in the past. Now I always try to take it very easy when waking up during the night. Try laying as still as you can before you get out of bed if this is necessary. Do slow deep breathing and try and oxygenate your lungs slowly but surely.


Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to pottypete1

Thank you I’ll definitely try , hard sometimes when you have a screaming teething baby 😟

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to pottypete1

Agree totally with Pete's advice. At times it's natural for our hearts to race e.g. when anxiety or sudden fear puts us into fight or flight mode. The trouble for we AF people is stopping that heart reaction afterwards. Perhaps as Pete has suggested, lay still for a short while before getting out of bed. I've learnt never to race out of bed. As you have AF could your husband perhaps get up instead? Jean

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks for your reply unfortunately he works nights .


I have been woken up at night when sleeping on my left side. Heart banging and thumping away like it was trying to break out of my chest. HR got to 149.

Stayed in AF for 5 hours then reverted to NSR. Took another 21 hours for BP to get back to normal.


Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to

Sorry to hear this John hope your feeling better now

Yes! Some years ago woken up by bedside phone in early hours ....sent me into fast AF and a cardio version some time later in A&E!

Like Pete I try to lie quite still if woken suddenly in the night .

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to

Didnt think of the house phone that’s staying down stairs from now on

wilsond profile image

Yes,sudden noises and shocks set me off,someone burst a balloon I went!

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to wilsond

Oh gosh a balloon . My mum wanted to take me to London Dungeons that’s definitely a no no

Thompson123 profile image

Sorry to hear this , I’m glad I’m not the only one .

Tyson4ever profile image

Most definately

Kaz747 profile image

Lately I’ve woken up a lot in AFib. I always thought that it was the AFib waking me up but on Monday morning I had an early(ish) appointment and set my alarm for 8.00am. I was in a deep sleep and when the alarm started I went straight into AFib. I have a Fitbit that monitors my sleep and there was a sudden spike in my heartrate at 8.00am. Not sure how I’ll ever get back to work if the alarm clock is going to send my heart crazy 😜

Angie06 profile image
Angie06 in reply to Kaz747

I use the alarm on my mobile phone as it plays a lovely soft melody which wakes me without the jolt that the alarm does. You can also adjust the volume as I find it doesn't need to be that loud to wake me.

Kaz747 profile image
Kaz747 in reply to Angie06

Mine’s in my phone too. I’ll have to look for a gentler sound.

TinCool profile image
TinCool in reply to Kaz747

There are alarm clock light globes that you can get where the light slowly gets brighter, supposed to simulate the sun rising in the morning. May be something to look in to.

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to Kaz747

It’s awful isn’t..... it’s not knowing what to do for the best .

Yes! Doesn't set me into full blown AF but the last few episodes have been early evening or during the night (and on a night shift) and it's been more the AF waking me up than me waking up causing the AF.

When other half was breast feeding and I was tired or feeling off it, I used to take my useless milk-free nipples into the spare room and sleep there. Less chance of being disturbed, more chance of being rested and therefore able to take over at dawn to allow her to sleep in.

But even now baby is 16 months old, I still feel my heart go and I draw breath when I hear her wake up in the middle of the night!

Having no sleep, bad sleep or reduced sleep generally makes me feel unwell rather than just tired. Having said that once I'm awake in a morning I'm usually fully functioning. Its evenings I don't do very well!

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to jedimasterlincoln

I’m always worse at night too, I know exactly how you feel . Thank you for your reply .

jondeanp profile image

Not the sudden waking, but I still think part of my initial AF episode was related to being woken up regularly by my son. He had moved from a cot to a bed and he went through a long phase where he kept waking and jumping into our bed

Thompson123 profile image
Thompson123 in reply to jondeanp

I agree too , I seem to have more episodes during the day too if I’d been woken up during the night


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