Hospital rang today: I got a telephone... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Hospital rang today

CDreamer profile image
67 Replies

I got a telephone message today to offer me a bi-ventricular Pace-maker implant on Wednesday. Not a lot of notice but I’m going for it. The first part of the Pace & Ablate. Somewhat nervous.

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CDreamer profile image
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67 Replies
BobD profile image

Great news and you may even be fit again for Jean's breakfast on 21st! Keep us posted.

All the best

Bob xx

in reply to BobD

Errrr.....isn’t it the 26th?

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to

Yes BobD 26th September.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to jeanjeannie50

senility rules!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to BobD

I know the feeling only too well.

CDreamer profile image

Thanks Bob - fingers crossed.

Great news CD, but avoid any frantic arm waving when you see BobD. Best wishes, John

Aprilbday profile image


What an opportunity! I know nothing about this procedure.... but I do know I have learned so much from you. Nevertheless, Here is my advice:

Reach deep. Follow your instincts. Fear is a part of that as long as it doesn’t take the front seat. Pack the front seat with the facts and courage needed, then start the car!

Wishing you God-speed, my friend. 🌸🙂

falah12345 profile image

Please God all goes well

All the best

Angie06 profile image

Hi just to wish you good luck and Hope it all goes well for you. Keep us posted 😀

Finvola profile image

Good news CDreamer - it’ll be over before you know it.

Best wishes and let us know how you are. xx

meadfoot profile image

Good luck. You know your own mind and have made the decision you feel is right for you. Unnerving when it comes quickly but I am sure that won't throw you. Here's to much better and more comfortable heart health.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Oh CD, I had no idea you were waiting for this. It's all come a bit sudden hasn't it, but sounds like it's meant to be. Best wishes for a successful outcome. Will be thinking of you and waiting for news.

Jean X

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to jeanjeannie50

The decision was made back in May and been discussed for about a year so nothing I have rushed into but just not much notice but evidently they are doing an extra session on Wednesday so they put me in. Thanks Jean - hopefully see you at the breakfast. x

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to CDreamer

I'm looking forward to meeting you. Now, no showing off the new you and cycling to the breakfast!!! x

sue13hils profile image
sue13hils in reply to CDreamer

Good luck

Not a lot of time to think about it though! Good luck!

How pleasing to have such a short wait! All good wishes.

All good wishes to you CD . Looking forward to your report.


Fastbeat profile image

Thats great, wishing you well for Wednesday,will be watching for your updates.

pottypete1 profile image

In many respects good you have not got to think about it for too long, but I bet your heart was in your mouth (oops that is a very unintentional pun) when you answered the phone.

Best wishes that all goes well.


cbsrbpm profile image

That’s great CD, I know you have already thought about this long and hard, gives you less time to stress. I hope this is your first step to a much brighter future and I wish you a great outcome. It looks like this is my last option too so am very interested in any reports from you. Keep us posted and I will be thinking of you. 😘

Vonnieruth profile image

Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery Your strong minded person which will give you the strength required to get over this Sometimes short notice is good

jennydog profile image

Very best wishes for a trouble-free outcome. Please let us know how you get on. Xx

Buffafly profile image

Great news, best wishes X

Wodney1966 profile image

Gd luck

baba profile image

Very best wishes.

doodle68 profile image

Hi CD :-) that sounds great, no time to think about having the procedure

Wishing you a speedy recovery....

CornPoppy profile image

Do let us know how you get on, really interested to hear the result and any effects, what medication you will require afterwards, etc.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CornPoppy

NO to any AF medication other than anticoagulants. It won’t stop AF but it should mean I don’t suffer as much from the symptoms.

Eadaoin profile image

Had ‘pace and ablate’ a few months ago though I already had the pacemaker for 10 years. Good luck with the procedure. Was very nervous beforehand. I only remember the sedation going in, shut my eyes, seemed to open them immediately and it was all over...and a great result. Hope you are just as satisfied .

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Eadaoin

Yep well I wish I could have sedation, unfortunately I can’t do I think that is what I am bit nervous about as it does take the edge off but the nurse says they only offer sedation to very anxious patients and it will all be done under a local. Thanks for your encouragement.

IanMK profile image

Hey! Great news CD. You beat me to it. I know this is what you wanted and the short notice limits any last minute nerves you may have.

To paraphrase Franklin D. Roosevelt (again - for the second time in a week): There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Best wishes.


Best wishes to you, CD! I hope all goes well for you.

BG2017 profile image

Wishing you well. Hope everything goes really smoothly. Take care xx

stormcloud profile image

I do hope it all goes well for you and it improves your quality of life.You may remember that I was offered this around the same time as you were.After much thought and many questions I decided against it , for now.Wishing you all the best for Wednesday.I will follow your progress with great interest.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to stormcloud

I’ll keep you updated. I guess this is the easy bit - the AV Ablate may be a little more complicated. They say I’ll be home by evening.

checkmypulse profile image

Best Wishes to you, all will be well.

Gladaven profile image

Dear CD , the very best of luck if this is what you have been waiting for . Hope all goes very well indeed. Cheers Gladys xxx.

cassie46 profile image

Hope all goes well CD - Still dilly dallying here at the moment re my pace and ablate. Let us know how you get on.


Kaz747 profile image

All the best for the procedure and a wonderful future beyond CD x

opal11uk profile image

Please don't be nervous, it is a relatively simple procedure and doesn't take long, I had mine three years ago and it has given me a new lease of life, marvellous little thing, that coupled with a drug or two and I am living a good life. Good luck x

Babyr1996 profile image

All the best cdreamer!! These are the best kind of appointments ..... you don’t not have too long to sit worrying about it!! Will be thinking of you x

Bagrat profile image

Sending best wishes for your procedure. In the next day or so just breathe!!

CarolineRaffan profile image

Hello I see most of the replies here are from friends, but if you do log in again please could you tell me what me what is the condition you are having the pace and ablate for?

I have been offered it for AF rapid heart rate. Having been told that many people have pace and ablate fir this problem I have not found anyone in my social circle who has been recommended this treatment for AF/rapid heart rate. Thankyou and I hope all goes well for you.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CarolineRaffan

It is to treat AF. Normally a last resort option. I have had AF for 12 years, been on beta blockers and rythm drugs which helped for a while but AF broke through. Had 2 ablations, last of which left me AF free for 3 years but September 2016 AF broke through again and after 3 blue light rides and episodes increasing in duration and coming closer together - about every other day for 5-9 hours - I decided I needed to take up the offer of Pace & Ablate in May, Of course since then I have been relatively well and haven’t had an episode for several weeks but I know as winter draws in I will be affected as soon as I get the first virus or infection - I am immune suppressed so any infection carries much greater risks for me than for others.

There are quite a few people on the forum who have had Pace & Ablate and have found a much better quality of life as although it doesn’t stop the AF, it does pace the ventricles at a steady rate, thus improving QOL.

Hope that helps.

Cjhall1948 profile image
Cjhall1948 in reply to CDreamer

I had a Pace and Ablate 3 weeks ago. First was the Pacemaker implant and then a month later the AV Node Ablation. I was very scared but when I woke from the procedure I could tell immediately how much better I was.

I suffered for years, 18 years ago I had a Mitral valve replaced and then slowly but surely, AFib started to rule my life. After several types of meds for rate and rhythm over the years my EP and Cardiologist decided on this method. I had syncope and that resulted in split scalp or goose egg size bumps and level 3 concussion.

The last year was the worst, it felt as if I had 2 Mexican jumping beans trying to do the Tango in my chest, the thumping and carrying on was horrific. I gained too much weight due to minimal exercise being so out of breath and exhausted, every day was like I ran a marathon when I did simple chores.

Now, my BP is steady, my heart rate is set for 80 and this Wednesday it’ll be changed to 70. I can’t express how the change for the better this is for me and my husband. I’m 70 and the Pacemaker should last 11.5 years before I’ll need another. I’m still in recovery, the heart has to heal from the burn and get used to being directed by the Pacemaker.

CD, I can only hope you feel as brilliant after your procedure as I. Please keep us posted when you are up to it.

Hilly22 profile image

Sending my very best wishes for tomorrow CD x

Enjoy profile image

Hope all goes well and the "new" you feels great.

Heartrick profile image

Good for you 😃 keep us posted x

Bettiehough profile image

I have gone through all the medications and they either don’t agree and don’t help. I developed heart failure too so once and ablate is now the way forward for me too hopefully the next few months. Please keep us up to date on your experiences and good luck. X

radagast58 profile image


I've got a dual chamber pacemaker which I had done under local anaesthetic without sedation and it really isn't that traumatic. I wish you well and hope this improves your quality of life

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to radagast58

Thanks that really reassuring to know.

GrannySmithgs5 profile image

Hope it all goes well CD , and looking forward to meeting the " improved " you at Breakfast x

Bertiedette profile image

Good luck for tomorrow..we will all be thinking of you.x

Teignfisher profile image


I had a dual lead pm fitted nearly 3 years ago and have only had 2 af events since each lasted for 3-4 hours and not had the av node ablation. So see how it goes don’t rush the ablation I’m so pleased with the pacemaker no more endless trips to A and E

Good luck


Brilliant less time to worry. Good luck.

hock217 profile image

Fantastic news. I just had the node to nowhere ablated. Is the pace and ablated together done to prevent possible failure or need for another ablation? Will you still need to take Rx? Sounds dependable = peace of mind. Sending positive thoughts your way.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to hock217

Thanks, pacemaker tomorrow - ablation of AV node in about 6 weeks but I have taken on board comments to not rush it.

GordonS profile image

Best of luck hope you recover quickly. Less waiting hopefully means less stress, it'll soon be over and done. Keep smiling you are a great inspiration to others.

Dovelady profile image

Good news for you, I’m sure all will go well with the procedure .

wilsond profile image

Oh good luck Cdreamer,not much notice but perhaps good in a way that you dont have time to dwell...

All the best and take care xx

Redders profile image

Best of luck For tomorrow CD hope all goes well and see you on the 26th. Val

Eadaoin profile image

You will have sedation for the Ablation part. I didn’t have it for the pacemaker going in. That’s not bad at all - just a lot of pushing where it’s being inserted. You’ll soon get used to it though it feels a bit odd when you are lying on that side in bed.It feels like it is creeping up under your chin😀You will soon forget it’s there and realise how useful it is. Good luck.

C66t profile image

Good news best wishes for speedy recovery. Be gentle with yourself. I ll be thinking of you. You will be grand.

mswillow profile image

Am wishin you g you well good luck 😊

hock217 profile image

Fantastic. Wishing you a speedy recovery CD.

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