Purely out of interest, does anyone know what reading you would get if you used a Kardia with a pacemaker?
Pacemaker/Kardia: Purely out of... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Trust you FJ! Since the PM controls ventricular rate I would hope it shows NSR but honestly cant tell you. My first thought was if you had a PM why would you want a Kardia?
Well..... this afternoon I payed a visit on a friend who had just had one fitted and he knew I had one and asked the question. We gave it a try and the report bore little relation to anything I had seen previously and was (not surprisingly) unclassified so I’m guilty of being a bit mischievous....🤪
Hi Flapjack when reading the frequently asked questions on the Kardia site recently I noticed this....
Question:I have a pacemaker or ICD. Can I still use KardiaMobile?
Answer:Our devices have not been tested for and are not intended for use with pacemakers and ICD’
My husband has a pacemaker & it shows & identifies AF quite clearly, ectopics & Tachycardia. Obviously it doesn’t show bradycardia as it is set to only kick in if HR drops below 60 so it’s not operational 100% of the time. I can quite see it wouldn’t be of use after AV ablation.
I have a pacemaker (and ongoing arrhythmias). When I’m being paced it shows a broad complex rhythm (it will say it’s ‘unclassified’).
I get loads of unclassified but someone put a link to DrDave01 reply to my post yesterday I learned a lot so really a useless item to have when you have a pacemaker as it fools the ecg into being LBBB when it’s not it the pacemaker pacing quite confusing I think my Kardia device will be passed onto someone who can get proper use of it as I can’t rely on it showing accuracy for me with a pacemaker. It always shows NSR
But do read the conversation I had with DrDave01 yesterday you can pass info into your friend then too
Read the link. I’m still confused. My EP recommended a Kardia. More for my interest than anything as he knows I’m a person who want to be informed and in control. (And who can feel in control with PAF!!!!!)
I have LVNC and PAF. I have an ICD which also paces me if I drop below 60. I’ve been told I am paced about 75% of the time. But most of my readings are normal. When I’m in AF or SVT is says possible AF or unclassified. Sometimes I feel unwell but my pulse is normal (60 and regular), at these times my Kardia says unclassified. Not sure what’s going on then.
My biggest complaint is after paying a lot of money for the Kardia, the app now wants nearly £100 a year to make me a “Premium member” I don’t want any of the features except one and .now I can’t save my history. One of the reasons I brought the Kardia is so I have a history easily visible. Now I have to email each reading to myself and it’s not simple to show anyone. Bit annoyed.
Yes, you can save your history! Use the so called 'email' facility in the Kardia App, and it will ask you where to store the file. Personally, I send mine into my Dropbox folder so that I can see it on any of my devices, and can then attach it to emails or print it off, if I wish. You probably already have some 'cloud' storage somewhere, (Apple? Google?) and I'm sure any would work. If not, you can get a small amount for free from Dropbox, and the files are not very big.
I do email it to myself and keep it stored in my email but it’s not as good as being able to scroll down the readings and see all the details easily. I could do this when I first got my Kardia and I resent the fact that they now want money for something that was free to start with. I wouldn’t of minded paying a small sum but they want more than the Kardia cost each year.
I bought my Kardia early on and I seem to have been given free premium membership as I can see the history and produce reports on it.
I though you could not use them with a pacemaker as they are delicate creatures and anything electrical (like a radio or bedside light) sometimes upsets them so they give "unreadable" results-