Been on escitralapram for about 4/5 years and noticed it does help with anxiety. I have tried to come off it many times in that period but my heart goes crazy when I reduce or try to stop it even though I have reduced it ever so gradually. Now I have read warnings about citralooram and escitralopram causing heart rythmn disturbances. As my ectopics are wild at the moment i asked the dr if I could change my anxiety tablets He has put me sertraline so we will see how my heart handles it. Just my experience but I would not have taken them with my On going ectopics if I had known.
Ectopics and escitralapram: Been on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ectopics and escitralapram

Hope the sertraline works better for you Paul. I hate the way pills are prescribed for us and then we're just left on them for ever. No one checks to see how we're getting on with them.
Hi Jean thanks. Tell me about it! My anxiety has a major impact on my heart so swopping these tablets has come at a terrible time. Plus I have to start on a low dose of the new medication which is pointless for me. Then they take 4-8 weeks to kick in then I will have to increase them etc thats another God knows how many weeks. So all I have to look forward to is tonnes of ectopics for the foreseeable future. Depressing!
My daughter took Sertraline for a few years. She researched and found that most people were saying that a certain non generic brand was the best. She started insisting that she be prescribed that and it really helped.
Hi Thanks Jean, so did she find sertaline ok? I presume so if she was on it for a couple of years. It's the cross over period between the 2 tablets thats really hard.
Back at dr today to ask for some diazepam for a couple of weeks while the transition is at its worst.
Yes, it helped her through a rough period. Don't blame you for asking for some diazepam. We used to have a member on here who took them when his AF started and they worked in stopping it (diazepam that is).
Dr would not give me any so I have to suffer it out! Great
I guess they may not react well with other medication and can become addictive.
I was given 30 diazepam on April 3 10 mg. Still have 22 left. I bite off a small piece at bedtime to shut my mind up.
Gee your so lucky my GP wouldn' give me any even though I told him I was desperate. Was annoyed with him tbh.