No a fib since march, cardiologist is reluctantly letting me quit flec and just take it as pip, staying on day xarelto and low dose metoprolol. 3 days ago, I was nearly run off the highway going 65 mph. My only choice was collision or hit the road shoulder. I took the shoulder and managed to not over correct and finally came to a safe stop. It was the most frightening event in my life ( worse than a fib!!!). Anyway, being off flecainide less than a week, I thought this is a real test for my ticker. So far no a fib. I really think God was helping me control the car. Praying all the " near death" stress , my heart remains a fib free. These events sure remind me how quick life can blink out.
Happy to be alive: No a fib since march... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Happy to be alive
Hoski, that car almost crashing into yours sounds super scary! Well done you for avoiding what could have been a serious accident! Life is indeed very precious and as you say can be taken suddenly from us or our loved ones when we least expect it. My brother was killed in a car accident, which wasn't his fault, and the pain of losing him at age 29 will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Amazing that your Afib didn't kick off. Sounds like you're doing well. Long may that continue.
Thankyou! So sad to lose your brother so young. Im thinking maybe I will avoid the roads and just ride my horse!!!
Oh my goodness, what a terrible experience! Thankfully you are alive and it sure was a test for your heart! Thankfulness is an excellent antidote to stress and there has been much research that indicates just being thankful has many health benefits.
Very best wishes and well done in controlling the car.
Thankyou. Looking back at it, if I wasnt paying attention and had both hands on the wheel, outcome would have been different. Im 65 now, learning quickly that everyday I can climb out of bed is indeed a blessing!

There is nothing like facing the grim reaper to make you realise how good life is. Cancer seven years ago and cardiac arrest last year did it for me. Attitude of mind is one of the most important tools in medical science but sadly can't be taught. Be glad you have it right.
Yes, you are so right. Cancer and cardiac arrest top the charts of things not to put on ypur bucket list also. Thanks for sharing. One of the things I appreciate so much here is the wisdom so many have and are happy to share. Good health to us all.
You passed a stiff test well done! God is rarely mentioned here for fear no doubt of causing a backlash from those who don't like faith mentioned. With no disrespect to anyone, I should point out my christian beliefs have been instrumental in reducing anxiety in the early days and my enjoyment of each day now.
Yes, I am with you 100%, the Great Physician.
Wow!Glad you are ok and ticke r coped! X
Thankyou, it's been 5 days, all good!