I haven't posted here for a while but drop in from time to time to read posts. I had an ablation in July of last year followed by a cardioversion and was put on Sotalol. Everything has been fine generally and I have remained in NSR. I saw my EP last month and we discussed coming of Sotalol ( good thing right?) and I weaned my self off it over 2 weeks. The issue I am finding is that I am now experiencing palpitations and today had a dizzy spell (lasted seconds) and I'm wondering if coming off the drugs was not such a good idea. I continue to take Apixaban. I was seeing my EP as a private patient but my insurer will no longer cover me as they say my AF is a chronic condition, though the EP has agreed to see me on the NHS in 4 months time.
Is this to be expected after coming off beta blockers? I was on Bisoprolol for over a year previously to starting Sotalol so it's been over 2 years of taking a beta blocker in total. I'm slight concerned my AF may be trying to make a return🙁