Sotolol: I know in UK that Sotolol is... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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I know in UK that Sotolol is not used, but here In US it is. I have been on Sotolol since November 2017. I had an Ablation in late January. I tried once to wean myself off and AF returned mildly. I see my EP this week and hopefully will be taken off. I only take 40 mg twice a day now. Any advise on how to cope without it. The side effects have not been good for me. I weigh more than I ever have, hair loss is a problem and ringing in the ear drives me nuts. A couple of months ago I cut back to 40 mg once a day and mild AFIb returned. Also wondering how long I will have to take Eliquis. Thanks everyone. I learn so much here. And nice to know I am not alone.

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25 Replies
BobD profile image

Can't advise on sotalol for obvious reason (UK) but anticoagulation can be adviseble for life if you have had AF.

in reply to BobD


Mike11 profile image

Only thing I can suggest is you try a calcium blocker such as Verapamil and see if that controls the AF without the side effects.

in reply to Mike11

I will definitely ask about that. I’ve taken Norvasc for many years for HBP. My heart rate stays below 60. Sometimes dropping into 40’s. Thanks Mike.

Mike11 profile image
Mike11 in reply to

ok if you're on one calcium blocker I don't understand how you're on sotalol as well as they are contra-indicated. Think you need to talk to your consultant and get a clear view on what he is trying to achieve. Heart rate < 60 is good but heart rate in the 40s is only good if you're a professional athlete with a huge ejection fraction :-)

in reply to Mike11

Thanks. I am definitely not an athlete. Probably why I am so tired all the time.

Mike11 profile image
Mike11 in reply to

Yes. Are you on Sotalol AND Norvasc ? This is just wrong in my opinion (and in the makers of both these drugs !)

in reply to Mike11

Yes I am. I have been on Norvasc for years. Sotolol since November. I will definitely ask next week when I see the EP. Thank you for make no me aware.

Mike11 profile image
Mike11 in reply to

I do wonder if doctors read the prescription lists people give them sometimes even though they usually go through them.

Calcium-Channel Blocking Drugs

Sotalol and calcium-blocking drugs can be expected to have additive effects on atrioventricular conduction or ventricular function. Monitor such patients for evidence of bradycardia and hypotension.

It sounds like you have both !

Janith profile image
Janith in reply to Mike11

Sotalol is a beta blocker not a calcium blocker.

Cat04 profile image

Sotalol is still used here in the UK, recommended by NICE

I was put on Sotalol 80mg twice daily in November 2017 having been changed from bisoprolol. I also take apixaban (eliquis). I am waiting for follow up appt with EP (was due in March, but hospital 6 months behind, so long wait) to discuss ablation, so following your post with interest.My side effects are not as severe as yours, but get shortness of breath and chest pain with it too.

in reply to Cat04

Good luck with your Ablation. At first I didn’t think mine had worked. But as time passed (4 months) AF attacks have gone away. It takes a long while for the heart to heal. I was impatient. I still get very tired and have some chest pain occasionally. It makes me wonder if I have going to have a heart attack. Scary. But my EKG’s are normal and the Dr keeps telling me it will not kill me. I have to keep up the faith. At 69 I was still very active and doing anything I wanted. Now not so much. I am hoping eliminating Sotolol will give me back my energy.

ILowe profile image
ILowe in reply to Cat04

Make sure you check your electrolytes + creatinine + urea every six months or so. Your doctor may do that for you without you knowing. But, nowadays, it is best if the patient gives gentle timely reminders.

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to ILowe

Thanks ILowe - yes, I had to nudge my GP to do them!

in reply to ILowe

I see my Nephrologist every year. Better numbers last month than in many years. Cardiologist checks through the year also.

MarinaT profile image

Hi. I was on Sotolol prior to my ablation in March. I was taken off it straight after with no weaning. I had no negative effects at all. I am, of course, still taking Apixaban. I am in the UK. Solotol does make me very breathless, so glad to be rid.

wpw62 profile image

I was put in Sotalol 80mg twice a day. When I asked if I could either come off/reduce dosage/change to another drug theconsultant’s response was the he wanted to double the dose. He wasn’t listening to me at all. Needless to say I am still taking 80mg twice a day under protest.

in reply to wpw62

I began with 80 twice a day. Was cut back to 40 twice a day. Then EP raised it to 120 twice a day. I had all kinds of side effects at that dosage. Ringing in the ear was very bad. I cut it back. A couple of times and am back to 40 2x day. I seem to only have palpitations occasionally now. Hoping EP takes me totally off this week. Hair falling out and put on 15 pounds.

Nan1 profile image

Hi wattswan. I have been in Sotalol since 2014. Right up until last year I was still getting palpitations regularly but am now very settled with only very few episodes. On Warfarin and at the beginning I thought my hair was thinning but fine now. Definitely put weight on. Hope things settle down for you and wish you well.

in reply to Nan1

Me too Nan. I want my life back. Good luck to you.

Bshersey profile image

I take sotalol (120 mg 2x daily). I have taken it since January. It had pretty much stopped my afib before I had the ablation. I definitely have not gained weight. I have lost weight. But I have persistent chest pain that I thought would have gone away by now, three months after afib ablation. I have been wondering if it is the sotalol. EP won't be cutting it down for at least another three months.

in reply to Bshersey

I hate the Sotalol. The dosage you are taking almost killed me. Take care.

Janith profile image

I take sotalol 40 mg twice per day ... no issues whatsoever.

ILowe profile image

By the way, I was on Sotalol for a few years, and only came off it when the creatinine/urea became a problem. To my mind it is a very valuable drug, that works for some people. This means that if my flecainide prophylaxis ever gets problematic, I would probably consider a spell on it. Dose adjustment can often get you to the point where the side effects are tolerable.

Lilypocket profile image

I am always amazed how much drs underestimate our knowledge of our condition and how our body feels to us. Many are dismissive and not open to discussion. We have to be vigilant even with competent Drs. I have a nice GP who knows I take Pradaxa and he prescribed an anti inflammatory. Duh!

I went home and of course didn't take it!

Sometimes we have to suggest what we think is wrong. No Drs Cardioligists, Gps etc have ever asked me what medication I'm taking before prescribing something...I have to point it out.

All this to say trust yout own instincts and never give up if you have a hunch


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