It is not often we wish for bad things to happen but I am of course hoping my heart will 'do its thing' at least once this week because I know it is speeding up inappropriately and I suspect it is slowing the same. We know about the AF although I would like that recorded as well, my cunning plan of calling 999 last week being foiled by my heart going back into NSR just before the ambulance arrived! And I still spent the day in A&E because they didn't like the look of my ECG. Can't complain as I had a chest X-ray and scan of my aorta and kidneys. I suspect there is an underlying reason for my heart misbehaving so good to have a couple of things ruled out.
I never thought I'd be wishing I could go back to medication for AF but the way I've been feeling the last few weeks - helpless as well as frequently unwell - has changed my mind. So please wish me luck!