DVT in left leg PE Mass in lungs - Atrial Fibrillati...

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DVT in left leg PE Mass in lungs

motorbike profile image
13 Replies

I was on HRT for more than 15 years plus . Im 67 . Then in April i became short of bresth. Also legt leg swelled up lik a tree trunk. Im mow on injections blood thinners . I ammot allowed my HRT . Naproxen . Volteral

. So the hot flushes, head aches are back , with vengence . I asked if i could take my Tumeric . Gingseing . Please does anyone know of anything I can take. Feeling very down . Thank you

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13 Replies

Hi motorbike

Six years ago I had massive multi bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I'd had clots in both legs apparently, I'd put the pain and swelling down to the heat as I have bad reactions in hot weather so thought nothing of it. Over a period of two weeks my breathing seemed to get worse until my husband dragged me to a &e which is a good job he did as apparently I was close to meeting my maker.

As a result of being put on Warfarin I had lots of things banned. I was allowed paracetamol and also over the counter cocodamol. I am not allowed ibuprofen as a pain killer or anything containing it unless my arthritis has a full blown flare up and then I can use prescription ibuprofen gel but have to have weekly INR tests whilst using it.

I cannot be considered for HRT now either. It's a tough one my GP put me on an antidepressant that can help with hot flushes but I had to stop them as you cannot take tramadol whilst on them.

It takes time to recover from PE and it is a learning curve just like AF. I don't know what anticoagulation meds you are on but I know some herbs and spices interfere with Warfarin so that's probably why the Turmeric and ginseng have been stopped.

motorbike profile image
motorbike in reply to

Thank you for your reply. Yes I was told, like you , that “I was A Very Unwell Lady” I’m on Clexafin injections 100mg . I a day. I have taken 41 , 3 to go . Then on tablets twice a day . My leg is really swollen, and a horrible mauve colour . I cant get trousers on . I use to run, still work, now off sick . Also breathing bad at night, right in the centre of chest . As I’m on my own, I do panic. Lucky it’s not all the time . I just wonder , why I got this. Also I’m only 8st 8 lbs . Also how do we know if the clots have gone . Thank you once again

in reply to motorbike

They give you injections to stop the blood clotting and the clots you already have they say then start to disperse. One piece had broken away and started to affect the right side of my heart by the time I was taken in. I had to go for a heart scan around 6 weeks later just to be sure the clots had not caused damage there. This is standard procedure so don't be alarmed if you are asked to go for one.

Trust me I was petrified and I didn't think things would ever be the same again. It was a long road to full recovery but hand on heart I can honestly say I have not had any further trouble and it will be 6 years on June 25 since it happened.

Many things can cause clots it does not discriminate against size anybody can get them. The contraceptive pill and HRT are just two of many triggers. Whilst they couldn't rule out that my weight wasn't a contributory factor they said I was dehydrated which is yet another possible cause.

Please do not be frightened you are being treated and that is the most important thing. As for your breathing and centre of your chest yes I was exactly the same. I felt like somebody had piled a ton of patio slabs on the centre of my chest and they were crushing me. The consultant explained that it was because one of the clots was extremely large and had travelled up the centre of my chest before starting to break up and enter my lungs. I was already in poor health and I came through the other side so please just try and rest and keep calm :)

motorbike profile image
motorbike in reply to

Thank you so much . I’m sitting up in bed, as it hurts if I lye down . You really have helped me . Maybe I’ll sleep tonight better . I’m really pleased you are in better health again . Thanks again

in reply to motorbike

Please feel free to drop me a message if ever you want to chat. It may have been 6 years ago but I still remember exactly how I felt and exactly how very frightened I was and I will always have the time for people who find themselves in that same boat.

Yes I couldn't lie down as such either I must have had 8 pillows when I first got home. Hope you get some sleep :)

rosyG profile image

motorbike I'm sorry to hear you are suffering. You are very welcome on this site but wanted to mention there is an anticoagulation site on health unlocked and I see a lot of people discussing their DVTs on there so it may be of interest too?/ I do hope your clots resolve quickly...

rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to rosyG

PS it's called anticoagulation UK

motorbike profile image
motorbike in reply to rosyG

Thank you RosyG. I’ll try and find it . I’m getting old ha ha, well I do at the moment. I’ve never been much good on computers, and phones. I’ll look

rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to motorbike

You keep on health unlocked and put. Anti coagulation Uk in the search box I think and sign up like you did for the AF site. Let me know if you cant find it and I’ll work it out!!!

Polski profile image

Fermented soya (NOT ordinary soya products such as soya milk etc) should help, and I can't find any contraindications for it. They eat a lot of it in Japan, and apparently don't experience the menopausal symptoms that we do. Nevertheless I suggest you start with a low amount and build up until you are eating just enough to deal with the symptoms. In view of your many health problems I don't recommend taking it as a supplement, as that might be too much. Below is a list of possible products which you could incorporate into your diet. (Ordinary soya products contain substances that could be unhelpful)

Commonly Available Fermented Soy Products




Fermented Soy Milk

Soy Sauces

Fermented Bean Curd

motorbike profile image

Thank you for your very helpful reply . Sadly I am allergic to milk . I tried Soya many years ago . I couldn’t take it . Thank you I do hvesoya mince ,as I am a vegetarian. What a shame

solarjdo69 profile image


Yikes! Sounds awful. Don't despair! I've been working on natural methods since diagnosed with afib in 2014. warfarin helps thin blood, but can negatively affect ones health. Icould barely walk across the office on it. I use as my main blood thinner Nattokinase - a Japanese dirivative of natto a bean curd culture. Some sites like the nih in USA claim it;s as effective as some popular anti-clotting / disolving drugs. Nattokinase can actually disolves as well as prevent clots. See these links.


Excerpt - Nattokinase is considered to be a safe, powerful, low cost, and all-natural supplement for the treatment of heart and cardiovascular disease [5,6,7]. Animal [3,4,8] and human trials [9,10,11] have demonstrated that NK provides support to the circulatory system by thinning the blood and dissolving blood clots. When dogs were orally administered four NK capsules (2000 FU/capsule), chemically-induced thrombi in the major leg vein were completely dissolved within five hours and normal blood flood was restored -





YOU are in charge of your health. You need to take the input from your medical practitioners, but many either do not know about alternatives or are specifically trained in a narrow "accepted" world of how to treat the problem, not necessarily cure the problem. I've been off warfarin and all prescription thinners and take only 1 remaining drug - diltiezem once a day and I'm working on that one. Previously I was on Digoxin, Metropolol, and linisipril. Linisipril! Ick! Worst of the bunch!

Good luck on your journey.

solarjdo69 profile image

P.S _ I take capsule form nattokinase Drs. Best - I get from here vitacost.com/productResults...

2 AM , 1 PM

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