Hi, just reading through the literature I was given by my EP regarding my July ablation, it doesn’t say anything about taking anticoagulants before the procedure in fact quite the opposite from what I’m reading?....... Confused.com
Ectopics, anticoagulants before ablat... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ectopics, anticoagulants before ablation continued.....

But you are in fact taking anticoagulants in the weeks preceding the procedure. Presumably if your EP has stated that you do not need to be treated this way then he is relying on the trans Oesophagal echo to detect any clots lurking.
Instructions should be given about when to stop and restart Warfarin or any other anticoagulant before an
ablation. I have just had an AV node ablation. AF still happens but is much less obvious. Am back on the blood thinner. If you are uncertain ask a doctor or nurse what to do.
Yes I am not surprised you are confused, I certainly am!
It is important to appreciate that we on this forum with the exception of JonathanPittsCrick are not doctors and therefore you must be guided by the team that are going to do your ablation in a few weeks time.
We can only comment on our own experiences. My experience is at one of the UK centres of excellence and my EP was previously practicing at Barts. I have been under the care of my hospital for 9 years and the requirements have not changed despite being treated by 5 different Consultants in that time.
I however at least suggest you ask some questions to put your mind at rest.
Sorry I can't make an informed response. One doctor I consulted said he would have me take it before and the one I actually used didn't have me take them at all. Now that I know this, I would want to ask about the two different approaches. I would encourage you to ask your doctor.
Hi Maura5, am I missing the point here, It does say if you don't have any of the mentioned problems then take the Warfarin up to 2 days before procedure and stop. Presumably the warfarin takes a couple of days to leave your system.
If your on Riveroxiban etc, then stop the evening before, e.g. don't take any at 6pm the evening before ablation. This is what I had to do. I think you get an injection prior to procedure to prevent clotting. Not sure if I have helped here.
Hi , I wasn't taking anticoagulants before my procedure but was told to take 300mg of aspirin the day before and then they gave me an anti clotting injection during the procedure so I guess it's different courses for different horses as they say. You can speak to the arrhythmia nurse during or after your pre op assessment for clarfication if your uncertain.
I would question the advice to stop anti-coagulants before your ablation. All the studies on interrupted/uninterrupted OACs show there are more complications with interruption, e.g. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/297....
I was told to remain on Warfarin but my INR was too low on the morning so my EP simply gave me a "booster" as he called it to get it in-range.
That looks like a generic admissions letter. Your consultant or whoever prescribes your medication should have sent you specific instructions. My consultant put me on Rivaroxaban several months before the op. I was instructed to stop taking them three days before the op and stop the Flecainide the day before.