Hi, I wonder if anyone is able to help me with a high blood pressure issue. I have had Paroxysmal Afib for about 10 years and managed Ok other than the occasional visit to A&E when the HR won't drop from 140 and then have had to have a Cardio Version, one full version and another one via an injection All seemed Ok but over the past 12 months I often wake up in the night and assumed it was because I needed the toilet. When I first was waking up for the toilet went to the Doctor , he checked the prostate and said all was fine, he offered a tablet to help control the bladder but I said i would try and control by not drinking late at night. I stopped alcohol all together three years ago as even one beer might trigger off the AF. The other night I thought I would check my blood pressure when I went to the toilet as I felt strange and it was 179/86/52 I stayed up for a couple of hours drinking Hibiscus tea and it eventually dropped to 144/93/53. I went back to bed at 3.15 and when I woke up at 6.50 it was 165/95/54 , this pattern has continued for the past 5 nights. I have booked a doctors appointment for two weeks time I soonest they could see me but am concerned and just wanted to ask if anyone had a similar experience. I take 80mg of Sotalol twice a day, one 20mg Rivaroxaban and a 20mg Atorvastatin.
Many thanks