Does anyone get pains in and around the heart iv had them for 6_7weeks now I phoned the heart nurse and they said it’s most probably muscle pains I just wonders if anyone else gets them or could it be a side affect from my meds..
Pain in and around heart: Does anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pain in and around heart

When my AF became persistant a year ago, I noticed a small sharp pain in the heart area, like a pricking sensation. During AF episodes, I often had angina type pains which included pain in the chest, neck and left arm. I don't get this anymore, not sure if it's due to stopping all meds apart from apixaban and flecainide, or if it's because I've eased the load on my heart from losing weight. I used to go to A & E sometimes when I felt really bad and was at the beginning of the diagnostic and treatment process. I still sometimes get a slight burning sensation in the heart muscle when in AF, reckon it just gets tired.
Anyone with chest pains should really see a doc in person and get checked out, even if it's to put their mind at rest. Hope you get some answers :o)
Yes I get it when my heart has been in Arrythmia for a significant amount of time - ie- more than 6 hours at more than 150bpm. I would call it an ache rather than a pain and it feels just like a muscle would when lactic acid builds after exercise.
I have had intercostal muscle pain and it’s nothign like that. I am seeing my EP because it is relatively new for me and asking for an echocardiogram.
Any sharp, persistent pain and A&E immediately.
We are all different and experience things differently but if you are worried - do get it checked out.
PS - it may be just muscle pain but don’t be put off until it is properly investigated. I think sometimes people want to be reassuring but you are the expert on you.
hi ottis, yes I get those pains too, and my doctor also said its only muscular, but when you have AF you tend to be concerned about any 'twinge' if that's the right word. I really don't want to say don't worry about it, but I guess,...try not to worry about it! I find it happens with me when I turn over in bed, usually left to right, so if they are telling both of us its muscular I guess we have to trust them to know their business, sorry its not a more positive answer but I know where your coming from.
Lyzzie + Buggles x
Hi Ottos
I asked the same question a few weeks ago and didn't get any replies. I get short stabs around my heart area sometimes and other times just like a dull ache. I will be mentioning it to the cardiologist when I see him next week but I am not too concerned. I have found that my arm or hand or even just my fingers or finger will go dead in the night. The feeling comes back very quickly though. Anyone had this problem? I can cope with my AF but sometimes feel slightly out of sorts. If this is all I get with AF then I count myself lucky.