If Apixaban has a short half life, why do I have to take it one month before my ablation? Doesn’t make sense!
Pre-ablation NOAC: If Apixaban has a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pre-ablation NOAC

Yes it does.
You need to be anti-coagulated for 4 weeks before ablation to ensure that you don’t throw a clot which can happen several weeks after a AF episode.
The half life refers to how long a substance takes to clear your system - not build up in your system.
The balance between anticoagulation and bleed risk is carefully managed so I suspect you will be asked to stop taking your anticoagulant - assuming it is a DOAC - approx 24 hours before the ablation is scheduled but your EP will explain their preference at the pre-procedure assessment.
Hope that helps.
Just for clarification, the recommendation is now not to stop DOAC or warfarin 24 hours before an ablation. It's really important that anti-coagulation is continued through ablation to give protection from the micro-thombi (small clots) produced during the ablation procedure itself which can cause long term damage to the brain.
And my understanding is that is done by injection during the procedure.
Interrupting the OAC and bridging with a heparin injection has been found to increase thromboembolic events 13 times compared with uniterrupted OAC in a recent review. EPs who interrupt warfarin or NOAC coagulation need to get up to date.
To ensure that blood clots do not form and go unnoticed in this period of time?
Oh I see. I assumed it was for clot protection during the ablation itself. Makes sense now, many thanks.
Yes, I had to do 6 weeks before, and I'll do 3 months afterwards.
And I'm not to take any on the morning of the ablation itself, (so I think it'll be about 18/19 hours since the last dose at the time of the ablation).
When is your ablation?
12th Feb. Getting close!!!
Ooh, mine's on the 13th Feb! Have you had a pre-op assessment yet? I had mine last week.
Not yet - I am of to Fuerteventura tomorrow for a week and will have mine when I get back.
Fascinating divergence of timescales. My EP only required that I was taking Rivaroxaban for the 7 days prior to the Ablation and then 6 weeks thereafter. Following an electro cardio version (ECV) during the 6 weeks we agreed that I should stay on it until the three months review just in case there was another episode which required the ECV.
Towards the end of the period I started passing blood in my urine so the Rivaroxaban was stopped and I had a series of tests to make sure I had no bladder problems including a CT scan.
Before both my ablations I had to have a camera inserted under sedation to also check for clots - done a few days in advance - day visit only.