Reading in Fitbit community that they are working on technology to monitor AF and other arrythmia conditions.
Can't post link as I'm in a jungle in India.
Stay well and stay warm
Reading in Fitbit community that they are working on technology to monitor AF and other arrythmia conditions.
Can't post link as I'm in a jungle in India.
Stay well and stay warm
A jungle in India. Very cool. Enjoy.
Those of us with AF who already have a Fitbit (I believe I'm getting one from Santa). We should press for Fitbit to offer their watch bands with a Medalert symbol, and suitable drug warnings. I'm just getting a Medalert bracelet with Apixaban etched on to warn that I am anti-coagulated. Fitbit could offer that, combined with their upgraded AF detection if it ever happens.
I got a OneLife ID when I went on Rivaroxaban. They have a tag for fitbits available.
This allows you to complete a medical record tonline, which gives emergency services access to all your details using the reference on the front of the tag and a PIN number printed on the back.
Andybody use Kardio from Amazon? Also just bought I watch love it
I suspect that you are referring to the AliveCor Kardia, which is available from Amazon. There are several people on here who use one, myself included.