I hope I spelled that correctly. My son gave me one for my birthday which fits on my iPhone. I was elated . I thought it would give me some peace of mind. My Electrophysiologist recommend I get one and told me I could take an EKG and send it to his office where it would be read and they would contact me if there was a problem. When I called his office for the id number his assistant told me they don't participate in that and the best they could do for me would be for me to e-mail results or bring them to the office myself. To say I am disenchanted is an understatement. For me the whole point was the immediacy of it. When I go into Afib and SVT I am hardly able to do anything and I'm wondering if I'll be able to give myself an EKG. And really what is the point, I'll know if I'm out of rhythm or in SVT. Am I missing something? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Pam
KARDIA ALIVECOR: I hope I spelled that... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I would write to your EP reminding him of your conversation and then subsequent one with his asst.
If no luck here then you can always send the reading to Kardia at a cost of £5 and the analysis is back very speedily. I have had one back within the hour. I have used this service many times ( no wonder they have given me free lifetime premium service!!) and I find it very reassuring and informative.

To some extent my point exactly. If you know you are in AF there is no point. Kardia is great when you are trying to get diagnosis or for those who are asymptomatic.
Hi, first off, you will not be giving yourself an EKG. Once you have set up the system, which you should do while you are well, all you have to do is pick up your phone, open the Kardia app and put your fingertips on the plates for 1 - 5 minutes. This will record a rhythm strip which can be converted to PDF later and emailed to your EP.
The usefulness of the Kardia lies in its ability to demonstrate how often you have episodes, how fast they are, and if there are any other weird rhythms going on. I am becoming a bore with my story of how I was able to show that my heart was pausing for 5 seconds at a time which would have been difficult to 'catch' otherwise. In practice your EP will probably not want to see every recording but when you see him you can show him how you are doing generally and of course you can send any worrying recordings straight away.
Hope that helps.
Yes it helps, thank you.
I just email my Kardia result to the Arrythmia nurse who takes it from there if I am concerned. This system seems only to work within the US anyway.
I very rarely do it as it always shows clearly when in AF or anything needs to be looked at and the learning library on the app gives such great information.
Thank you for responding . I've had it set up and sent two to the company which came back normal, It's $9.00 for an assistant to read it or $20.00 for a Doctor so that would certainly keep one from using it a great deal. Pam
CDreamer I haven't come across the learning library on the Kardia app ...are you able to let me know how I can access it please !

No, I haven't found it yet. Still looking.
I am finding it not helpful. It almost always says unclassified...I have bradycardia...and every now and again afib...sent the last Afib reading to my EP...office called to tell me it was normal...a later unclassified reading that I paid $19. To have read...came back bradycardia....which was a nobrainer since it read HR 40. My month of premium is running out and am being urged to buy the package $99. I feel I have already overpaid☹️. Glad for those who find it helpful, but there are others like me.
I wouldn't pay for a reading from Kardia, the app tells you anyway if you are in AF, which it was designed for and it only works for NSR if your HB is 'normal', ie 50 to 100. A real expert can tell a lot from a rhythm strip apparently (my EP said mine was very revealing) but I think the Kardia 'service' is mostly a moneymaker.
I think I am beginning to lean your way, however, my son gave this to me as a birthday gift so the money has been paid. I feel like they haven't lived up to their ad, but because my Dr. recommended it I didn't question it . He really is an excellent EP. I am going to let him know my experiences and ask him to read my strips. I notice people on site are touchy about calling it an EKG , but as my Dr. says I can call it whatever I want. Thank you for responding. Pam
The gift may have been perfect. Your son is now tuned in and given the statistics (40% higher with first degree relative) he will be better informed of his own risks. As one of four sibs with this diagnosis and having lost my younger sis this spring to a stroke, likely caused by undiagnosed afib, I wish everyone would alert family! Gifts have many receivers. 👍😉
I am wondering why you sent your recordings to Kardia? Did you feel something was wrong? If you did you now know that your heart was running ok after all, which is reassuring. If you didn't that was certainly a waste but at least you know you can trust Kardia when it says 'Normal'.
Another useful thing you can do is to establish your normal resting heart rate which you do by recording first thing in the morning for a week or so. I know mine is about 65 so when it went up to over 100 I knew I was really ill!
My excellent Cardiologist and my EP were both very pleased I had a Kardia so I guess they see its usefulness and hopefully you will too in time 💖
I hope I don't see it's usefulness, that means I'll be having more problems. I hope I can use it as a doorstop, but I appreciate your meaning. I sent it in because since my ablation I've had some weird heart blips apparently they don't show up. My hr was 91 a little high for me.
I too think it very useful. I take mine in the morning and if I have been doing a lot and sometimes in the evening. I can star anything unusual and when I eventually get to see my EP specialist again or my cardiologist I can show them. They think it excellent and useful. I like to know how I am doing, improving etc and can note on it what has triggered the problem.
The difference of UK English & US ‘English’. Both are correct but just depends upon where you put your em-phas-sis 👋 from across the pond.
Unclassified is better than AFib! I am pleased if it is merely unclassified. I have never paid for a diagnosis. What is the point?
I seem to need an explanation.