Ectopics triggering Atrial Flutter? - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Ectopics triggering Atrial Flutter?

Finvola profile image
13 Replies

I know ectopics can trigger AF but has anyone else had AFlutter started by ectopics?

After a couple of weeks of stress and worry, I've been having bouncing ectopics - so bad my chest bounces! Before I can get the breathing technique going, a run of AFlutter starts at about 110bpm.

I take 200mg Flecainide and small dose of Bisoprolol and the ectopics feel like big, strong PAC's.

I've been able to return to NSR with a couple of Valsalva manoeuvres. Terrific fun at 3am. ☹️

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Finvola profile image
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13 Replies
P0rtnahapp1e profile image

Oh Finvola Im so sorry to hear that you’ve been having such problems, no doubt exacerbated by concern over your husband’s health.

You could have contacted me at 3 am as I’m currently in hospital with a virus which caused concern since there’s a danger of a treat of the endocarditis.

I was the only female in an otherwise all male ward and joked with my daughter about how attractive some were.

“Mum, watch your heart’”!

Now I’m an isolation ward where visitors have to wear masks.

No help with your problem, however. Hope your mindfulness helps

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to P0rtnahapp1e

Oh no - how miserable for you, although you were well enough to eye up the chaps! Hopefully, everything is precautionary and you'll come through the virus unscathed - are you in Causeway?

My problem is very minor by comparison and I was so proud of how well my heart behaved during my husband's crisis and I think the mindfulness did help. Once he was OK and over the worst, my darned heart goes bonkers. I've suspected that bad ectopics have caused short runs of SVT in the past, but Saturday am was the first I managed to catch on my Kardia - perhaps it's coincidence . . .

Actually, at 3am the massive moon over Donegal had lit up Lough Foyle like a silver platter - it was quite beautiful.

I hope you will have as short a stay as possible and will soon be home again. xx

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to Finvola

Just wanted to say hi and send love and sympathy to you both, with everything that's going on.

Sending healing thoughts and prayers x

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to JaneFinn

Thank you Jane.

irene75359 profile image

Puts everything into perspective somehow - P0rtnahapp1e thinking of you and really hoping your stay in hospital is a very short one. And Finvola , stress and worry starts me off too, my husband who is normally quite laid back about everything was quite alarmed when he saw my jumper pulsating dramatically with the force of each heart beat. Do hope your stress is easing and your husband's crises is over.

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to irene75359

You are so right, irene - reading about P0rtnahapp1e and the danger of a virus to her is sobering.

Thank you for the good wishes.

fluttered profile image


Why do you think it is Atrial Flutter and not something else like AFIB? I have read that PACs, ectopics do preceed Afib and Aflutter. I am not sure if they are a trigger or a part of the episodes.


Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to fluttered

Hi Dick - the trace on my Kardia was of regular beats at about 110 and was definitely not AF. What I call 'my normal' SVT is usually much faster at around 160, hence my thought that this was Flutter again. My EP had looked at similar traces in the past and said they were Flutter caused by Flecainide 'organising AF signals into Flutter'.

It may have been co-incidence that I could feel several ectopics, followed by the tachycardia - will check it out with him at my next review. I luckily caught the end of a run where it converted to NSR - no slowing down, instant conversion from 110 to 70bpm.

fluttered profile image
fluttered in reply to Finvola


I had both Aflutter and aFib. Pacs, ectopics would normally precede my episodes. The episodes would convert like yours quickly as though I had never been in an episode. There is a difference in the EKGs between the two. My Aflutter, would always run at exactly 150 bpm. Because of the reentry circuit, Aflutter is usually very steady. Afib wanders.

2 weeks ago I had my Aflutter, Afib ablation.


Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to fluttered

Best wishes with the ablation. My cardiologist suggested ablation for AFlutter if it becomes a problem but I find it is nowhere near as debilitating as AF.

fluttered profile image
fluttered in reply to Finvola

That is why my EP and I agreed upon an ablation for both Aflutter and Afib at the same time. I agree that the Afib was much more debiilitating. So far, so good. Are you seeing a cardiologist or an EP?


Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to fluttered

I see a cardiologist every 6 months with reports to the EP whom I will see again if it is considered I should have an ablation. Currently Flecainide is holding back the AF.

Finvola profile image

Good that it was caught on a full ECG - mine are short and elusive - glad I have my Kardia.

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