aFter and me: Hi have had AF for... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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aFter and me

Torchie profile image
11 Replies

Hi have had AF for blooming years. Diagnosed following a procedure. Got put on low dose aspirin and anisotropic.

Somehow got follow ups got overlooked.

But happy to report no lasting damage. Now on Apixaban and bisoprolol. As I have a sugar intolerance which can and will lead to diabetes.

Having regular thorough annual checks, ECG, 24 hrs monitor, ultra sound.

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Torchie profile image
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11 Replies
Pollywaffle10 profile image

Hi Torchie,. I am also on Apixaban and Metoprolol and have glucose intolerance. But the good news is that with a low carb diet and only the very odd glass of wine, at 77 I have not become diabetic. I do lots of walking and play table tennis to keep fit.

I had ablation four years ago, I still get the odd hour or so of AF but with an extra Metoprol and 50mg of Flecainide it soon stops.

Talk with your Dr, get a long appointment, and write down all the questions you want to ask.

Torchie profile image
Torchie in reply to Pollywaffle10

Was told that because I somehow got overlooked for AF monitoring and it was only picked up whilst going through breast cancer treatment that my AF was permanent. My cardiologist I now have is fantastic.

Was meant to go on Warfarin, but as luck would have it I as accepted on apixaban. It was only the pharmacy who played silly beggars even though it was on repeat by refusing to keep in stock at least one on shelf for next time. Said it was an expensive item. I had to ring and tell him so he could order. Finally he got the message and now in stock. Think I must have been the only one in my area on it. It seems more common now.

As I said annual tests and check up next month. Just waiting for test dates. Which are not booked at same time as consultants. 😕. Last year the results didn't come through in time for his appointment. So I will be on the blower next week chasing. Need to arrange transport. Oh the joys.

Pollywaffle10 profile image
Pollywaffle10 in reply to Torchie

Hi Torchie,

You dont mention your age, but my sister was in permenant AF, she is in the north west of the UK and was on warfarin and beta blockers as well as a diuretic. She has had a maze procedure - a bit like noughts and crosses on your heart! she is 74, now free of AF and is on Apixaban with no problems. Sorry to hear about your awkward pharmacist, he must have a computer and its easy to set up automatic re-ordering when he knows that you are on the drug long term.

Do hope that things get better for you.

Torchie profile image
Torchie in reply to Pollywaffle10

Yes he now keeps it in stock. But it took nearly a year to do so.

Everything is computerised down to repeats direct the pharmacy. I really don't know what his problem was. But it's sorted now.

I am 66 with a family history on both sides with irregular heart rhythm. My brother had cardioversion (shock treatment) same as my dad. It didn't work for either. I have been told I am no longer a candidate. But to be honest not sure I would want it. The meds are doing their job.

cloonart profile image
cloonart in reply to Pollywaffle10

Hi Torchie.I am 74 and have AF since my 30's. I have had 6 "pulmonary isolation valve procedures, camera & laser via groin up to back of heart, where rogue electrical impulses are burned off in the hop your real sinus node will start to work again without arrythmia.Last one was relatively successful, and cardiologist stopped use of Propafenone.Put me on Metoprolol 100 twice day.Am also on Apixaban 5mg twice daily to prevent clotting.One is 5 times more likely to have a stroke if AF is a factor in one's life.always remember to keep pressing and requesting angiogram periodically & Holter Monitor tests- one gets the care and attention one demands, otherwise "out of sight out of mind" usually prevails.PS Apixaban (Eliquis) is about the best anticoagulant but NOT a real TREATMENT for AF- it is just to stop people with AF getting strokes from clotting as a RESULT of AF!

Hope this helps.

Torchie profile image
Torchie in reply to cloonart

Thanks I undertood this. My cardiologist worked out that with my glucose intolerance that Apixaban was the best blood thinner for me. At the time I had to pass ascertain criteria to go on it. So hence the fun I had at the start of taking it.

I have an annual appt due next month with my consultant but the holter, ECG and echo Appt haven't come through yet so ill be on the phone tomorrow. I know the answer you'll have the appoint through shortly. Last time the results were late getting to the consultant even though I told them and got there assurities. I did tell him the cock up.

Kaye58 profile image

Hi torchie, I’m an insulin dependent diabetic on bisoprolol and various other drugs I’m pretty steady on the bisoprolol on a low maintenance dose post ablation as well as pre ablation. I don’t have any issues with it and take a split dose am and pm. Hope it works out for you.

magnus-barelegs profile image

I to have had AF for more years than I care to remember and have been on bisoprolol and warfarin all that time too, other than itching from my knees to my toes occasionally I don't have any other problems with any meds, I do have type 2 diabetes,fibromyalgia and sleep apnoea and I am in permanent AF

rosyG profile image


Great to hear you are on Apixaban as that's the main concern- sounds as if you cope very well!

Torchie profile image

Got a great consultant. Next appts due november. I am not overly worried. Keeping my weight down may be. Lost 3.5 stone but life happens hit a wall. So giving myself a break and will get back on it new year.

Too much going on in family have had to learn to keep calm.

Tessybear profile image

Hi I’ve been on a low dose of bisoprolol for about three years now, and am generally fine, but exercise is harder work than it used to be . I think it has made me a bit more sluggish. When I was first diagnosed with AF I was also given flecainide, and the two drugs together wiped me out so I stopped the flecainide and have since been ok. Other than that I’m happy with bisoprolol.

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