Hello All,
I was in an AFib event lasting 8 days early May. On the 3rd day I was given EKG and put on Eliquis and 50mg Metoprolol by my Primary. My HR was erratic and averaged 126 on EKG prior to medication. After medication it was averaging 115 at rest and lower at night sleeping (probably 80-110). Any activity and it would spike to 150 - 180 (walking dog, gym not knowing about Afib, etc.). On the 7th day I went to the ER because I thought my rate should be lower. Within two days I converted to NSR chemically(took 24hrs to convert) and got discharged.
Once I got out of Afib I started to notice a hoarseness/scratchy throat and random chest pain, mostly in sternum area. The symptoms are hard to replicate but I'm pretty sure it's NOT Coronary Artery related. My stress test after the hospital was normal and during the hospital my Echo, EKG (after conversion), Cardio Blood Work, Xray were normal.
I'm concerned I may have caused some heart damage during the week of AFIB. I read today that an enlarged left atria can press into the esophagous, which may cause these symptoms. I asked my cardiologist today about that and he reviewed the Echo and other tests again and said they were normal (not enlarged). I'm going to request these files so I have more information on hand. The Echo was done while I was still in Afib.
The cardiologist today is taking me off of Amiodarone and Eliquis as I've been in NSR, in case they play a role.
If anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate it as well as further testing that may be helpful. It has been very nerve wracking thinking I may have done damage when I didn't even know what Afib was, let alone how to treat it, who to see, HR concerns, etc.
Thanks for reading!
58yo male, no other cardiac issues, recently lost 20lbs another 10+ to go.