Yup, 9 weeks post- ablation and not a a single bout of AFIB, until I travel 120 Miles from home to a mountainous area with no hospital nearby.
I called my EP and the doctor on call ( of course it’s Sunday and 10:00 at night) told me to wait it out, not to worry that this is normal during the 3 month period. He also instructed me to take 25 mg’s of Metoprolol- a medicine I have not taken since the ablation; in fact I have not taken any anti- arrythemia drugs since the ablation. On a positive note, the AFIB resolved within 2 hours; this is a first for me, since I have required hospitalization in the past in order to return to normal sinus rhythm.
Here are two questions:
Should I be concerned that I had a bout of AFIB after 9 weeks? What are your experiences during the blanking period?
Should I have a pill in the pocket solution going forward? It was sheer coincidence that I decided to toss the Metoprolol in my suitcase at the last minute.
Thanks for listening- again. I was terrified to have my poor husband driving the back roads of this mountain community in search of an area hospital! Ugh, this condition is mind numbing and all consuming.