Blood pressure worries: High blood... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Blood pressure worries

christmas-01 profile image
27 Replies

High blood pressure

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christmas-01 profile image
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27 Replies


Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to

Hi yes I was diagnosed a month ago, been on bisoprolol 5mg, but I'm aching all over is this normal

Slipware profile image
Slipware in reply to christmas-01

Everybody is different, I can't take bisoprolol for several reasons, one being tiredness, another being aching limbs. However, I know people take 5 or even 10 mg with no side effects.

in reply to christmas-01

Hi again,

I have atrial fibrillation ( a heart arrythmia), AF for short. At the time I was first diagnosed my BP was the first indicator that something was wrong with my heart. The day I was admitted to hospital via A & E, my BP went crazy up and down like a yo-yo but the overall trend was a falling BP. In those days my average was around 136/80 ish. When my GP sent me to A & E it had dropped to around 76/56 with a heart rate of 85 bpm.

Actually I have had a blood pressure problem for over 12 years (I'm now 72) and was originally started on BP meds - Ramipril 10 mgs daily. In 2013 I had added as a BP control medication Felodopine 2.5 mgs daily.

At the time AF was diagnosed I had added to my medication Bisoprolol 5 mgs daily - HOWEVER - this was given as a heart rate control drug - to stabilise my heart beats. Prior to AF hitting me my usual heart rate was around 88 bpm. When AF hit it had gone to 160 bpm, and nowadays thanks to some lifestyle changes and Bisoprolol it is nice n' steady at around 60 to 65 bpm and I feel great.

From a patients viewpoint - I would have thought Bisoprolol was a bit of a 'strong' drug to prescribe for blood pressure alone - but - I am aware it can be used for BP control as can other beta blockers. BP of 147/97 (if thats what you are saying it is) is a bit on the high side and at one time - 15 years ago or more it wouldn't have raised an eyebrow in the medical world and that long ago mine was regularly around 145/80 ish. Nowadays they prefer it to be lower subject to age and other considerations. I wonder what your heart rate is ?

Certainly BP issues can in some way contribute to the start of AF over time.

I would consider asking your GP for a review of this BP issue and certainly a review of the medication.

Thanks to the combination of Ramipril and Felodopine and Bisoprolol my current BP is 125/70 with a heart rate of 60 to 65 bpm. Sure I'm not happy about taking these drugs but the alternative is worse.

You could always stay on this forum (for AF and just lurk in the back ground and read comments, you'll learn something) but also go onto the forum which specifically covers blood pressure.

Good luck,


christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to

Thankyou so much for your help, I'm going back to my doctor tomorrow cause I'm feeling awfull on the pills, I've been having my pressure checked each week at the chemist,and has gone down a bit so I'll see what he says

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to

Yes just recently never had it before, so a bit worried

doodle68 profile image

Hello christmas-01 :-) welcome.

I have high BP which is being kept in check with the beta blocker Nebivolol and a change in lifestyle . I don't experience the side effects some people on Bisoprolol seem to have.

If the side effects continue maybe talk to your GP about changing your medication. There are a number of options available.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to doodle68

Thankyou will do

BobD profile image

Do you have AF as well as high blood pressure because I have been on BP meds for years and never taken bisoprolol? I can't take calcium channel blockers either due to legs swelling but have well controlled bp these days. How high is it?

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to BobD

Hi not sur what af is it was 147 or 97, been told I will proberly need to go on a higher strength at some point

in reply to christmas-01

Hi do you know this is a forum for people with AF (atrial fibrillation ) if you've only got high blood pressure (hypertension) may be better seeking advice on a forum for that. I take Biosporolol which makes me feel tired but I don't have the aches you have.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to

Ok thankyou for your help

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to christmas-01

This forum is run by and sponsored by the Atrial Fibrillation Association. Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm. Try searching Healthunlocked for a more appropriate forum for your needs.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to BobD

Ok thankyou

higgy52 profile image
higgy52 in reply to christmas-01

eat foods with no salt no sugar no ready meals very little fat, I found out mine soon went down. good luck

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to higgy52


Leighton11 profile image
Leighton11 in reply to BobD

I had moderately high blood pressure which stated to get higher. I knew this as I was regularly checking on my own BP monitor. One weekend it went so high I saw the emergency doctor. I was concerned as I was already taking asperin as the result of a dissected carotid artery.

The doctor prescribed 10mg Amlodipine. I continued to take this for about 6 months. I always thought this was quite a high dose but the docs did not respond to my concerns.

Then what I believe is AF kicked in. I say 'I believe' as I have not had any Cardiology tests yet.

They put me on Warfarin and bisoprolol along with my existing Amlodipine and asperin whilst I awaited a possible 26 week delay before seeing a specialist.I felt terrible and my BP went through the floor.

Back to the docs a few times. Asperin and Amlodipine are now abandoned and I now take just Warfarin plus 1.25mg of bisoprolol morning and evening. I tried 2.5mg a.m. only but felt terrible doing that. Tired dizzy and faint feeling.

The bisoprolol is controlling my BP and I feel much better as I await an electro cardiogram prior to my first appointment with a Cardiologist.

I hope my experiences with BP helps here. If they confirm I have AF I will be back with some more informed info. I am pretty certain I have AF however as my heartbeat is constantly irregular and even with the drugs my resting heart rate has gone up by at least 10 bpm.


RichMert profile image

Whilst the subject is off topic, I am sure blood pressure and its effects may be of concern to current and past AF sufferers. During a recent check up, it was pointed out that my BP was high which, came as no surprise to me as it is normally the higher end of normal. It was pretty clear to me that as a sufferer of white coat syndrome, they were never going to get an accurate reading. I was advised to purchase a BP tester (Argos £20) and take the readings at home. I collected a number of readings over a few days and was dismayed that so many were in the stage 1 / stage 2 hypertension region but I also had a few that were normal. Doctor pointed out that we are all different and there is no 'norm'. There are many contributing factors and unless you take the reading on an empty stomach whilst relaxing in a sitting position for at least 20 minutes, you will not get a good reading. The good news is that if you are able to get a few good readings then, you are not suffering from hypertension and it does not need to be treated. I get annoyed with the time it takes the machine to finish having put my arm into a Vulcan death grip, this is sufficient time to put you into a stage 1 / stage 2 scenario. The obvious prior concern to me was that high BP can lead to AF and after 2 ablations I want to keep it in check. Hope this is helpful.

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to RichMert

My former GP used to arrange for me to come in first thing and lie down in a treatment room for half an hour before my blood pressure was checked. Now I sit in the waiting room, get surprised by the sudden appearance of my name on the electronic display, leap to my feet, walk in, sit down and on goes the cuff... Occasionally I get stabbed by a needle first and part with some blood. They often do three readings and record the best, although if the first one is OK it suffices.

RichMert profile image
RichMert in reply to Rellim296

Yes, if you take a few readings in a row you can actually reduce the reading just by relaxing and will power. The doctor has taken a second reading 15 minutes later and it has been normal on a few occasions.

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to RichMert

I think there has been comment on the forum that one reading of blood pressure should not be taken soon after another (which is what they do in my surgery) as it may not give the blood vessels time to recover.

If you know (or suspect) you have started off with a bad reading, it can make your BP rise!

Some people have very different readings when sitting compared with standing.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to Rellim296

I was having them read once a week & it's gone down, my doctor say I would proberly need a higher dose in the next couple of months, but I'm going back tomorrow cause I feel awfull on them

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to christmas-01

Lots of people take two or three medications that help to reduce blood pressure in various ways. You need to find a combination that suits you and the only way is trying them and seeing how you get on.

It is worth telling the doctor if something doesn't work well for you. No need to put up with very cold feet or an annoying little cough if you get them (and they are both well known side effects) as a different pill (or less of one and more of another)may work better for you.

Some people claim drinking beetroot juice reduces blood pressure.

Mike11 profile image

I'm surprised you're on beta-blockers if it's just high blood pressure. ACE inhibiters like ramapril are a much better solution to this in most cases.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to Mike11

I'm going back the doctors tomorrow cause I feel awfull & having dizzy spells, maybe I need different ones

doodle68 profile image
doodle68 in reply to christmas-01

Hi Christmas :-) ask your Doctor if it is possible to borrow a BP monitor, many GPs have this facility.

I have my own, a simple one (Omron are good) only costs £15-20 for a basic model. Mine cost a bit more, it records the results and shows if the heart beat is irregular.

I have to record my BP (at the request of the arrhythmia clinic) and take it at the same time each day usually in the evening, I take it 3 times then work out an average and record it.

Earlier this year it was averaging 170+ / 90+ (and reached 220/110 when going into AF)

With the help of beta blockers and diet changes I have got it down to 125/ 75 and I feel so much better.

Recording your BP helps to keep track if the meds are working and to adjust them.

christmas-01 profile image
christmas-01 in reply to doodle68

Thankyou I'll look into that

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