Can pvc cause an instant spike in blood pressure. Had ablation on 11/15/2017. Pressure avg 130/75. Yesterday spiked to 190 /110. Went to ER had ekg, blood work abd chest xray. All came back normal and they sent me home. Seeing my cardiologist in pm.
PVC and blood pressure: Can pvc cause... - Atrial Fibrillati...
PVC and blood pressure

Short answer, no.
You'll have to give us more context to get the long answer. 🙂

Sorry but I have to disagree with Badger. Whenever I have any sort of arrhythmia my BP goes up from say 120/70 to a160/100+. We are all different so it is never possible to say without doubt that one thing causes another but you are not alone.
My rationale is that with reduced flow output the body increases pressure to compensate but then I'm no expert.
Runs of VT sure, but the odd benign ectopic probably not unless causing anxiety. I think Grace was looking for advice specific to herself.
Average BP two months ago, 130/75 Yesterday 190/110
On it's own that signifies little. Following persistent PVCs then yes maybe. Not clear why Grace went to Casualty, ectopics, blood pressure, both.
BP accuracy in AF , who took it, where etc?
Without context and a more focused question, it's just speculation mate.

Your spike of high blood pressure has nothing to do with your ablation or you arrhythmia. Spikes of high blood pressure are frequently the result of eating a diet that contains too much Sodium in the form of common salt. Examples of salty food are: commercial fast foods, pizza, cured or smoked meats, cheese, canned soup, canned meats, anchovies, olives, cappers, salty nuts and ither snacks. It’s amazing the amount of Sodium content found in canned and commercial food (fast food outlets) also in regular restaurant food. Another cause of B/P spikes, is intense mental stress or an acute emotional upset. B/P spikes that last only a short time, do not cause organ damage,. However, occasionally they may precipitate a stroke in predisposed people. Read the Sodium content in canned food. Reduce or avoid the consumption of salty foods, If you are found to be hypertensive, your doctor will prescribe an anti-hypertension drug, but you say that your B/P is normal. A high Sodium diet is a very common cause of hypertension. The recommened maximum daily amount of Sodium is 2,300 milligrans, about one teaspoon, ideally is 1,500 mg, or 3/4 of a teaspon. Common salt is Sodium chloride.

Thanks. I'm going yo cardio today. I do take valsarten and atenolol along with hygroyon. Just wanted to rule out pvc.
AF sends my blood pressure up, I've got the monitor that works in AF so I know it's fairly accurate.
My cardiologist would agree with BobD here (that doesn’t surprise me!). My BP has gone up scary high (much higher than your reading) when in various arrhythmia. My cardiologist told me that often happens. He said not to bother to take a reading in arrhythmia - and not to worry.
(He didn’t say, but I’m sure the usual caveat applies over any other symptoms: breathless, chest pain, dizziness, numbness etc.)
I’m not saying this is the situation with you, but just repeating what I was told, in case it helps
Hi Grace like others who have posted in this thread, my BP is affected by my episodes of AF in fact it becomes very erratic which I guess may contribute to my feeling so unwell . In one instance I had a BP of 210/110 . Sometimes it is difficult to get a BP to register on my monitor because I am shaking so much it detects movement.
Since I have been on beta blockers, during bad episodes of AF my BP although erratic hasn't reach such a high level .134/99 was the highest I recorded last time.
tachp My diet contains very little salt so it is unlikely to be related to that.
My bp goes down when in AF. Have been in AF since 1.30 am this morning and my bp is 69/48 and feeling quite dizzy.