Anyone share experience of low pulse (45bpm) AF and subsequent stress/anxiety from symptoms? How to cope? Had 2 failed ablations and cardioversions in past 3 years and now have permanent AF. I'm not on drugs except for high BP and anticoagulation (NOAC)
New Here- AF and Stress: Anyone share... - Atrial Fibrillati...
New Here- AF and Stress

Hi there kevmca - and welcome. What sort of symptoms are bothering you?
stress impacting sleep patterns
he expressed his symptoms, anxiety due to bradycardia post ablations and cardioversion.
I was enquiring really about the symptoms of the bradycardia. Some people are bothered about a slow heart rate because it can have specific unpleasant consequences like dizziness.
Feeling spaced out most days especially at the end of the day. Hypertensive at times even tho I take bp tablets
I hope some of the answers you've had will be helpful regarding feeling spaced out.
There are various ways of dealing with blood pressure - such as things that end in -olol, -pril or -tan and / or a water pill. It can be helpful if a doctor tries various combinations to find the cocktail that best suits the patient. Too much of the -olol can lower the heart rate. I'm quite happy with a slow pulse but when my GP measured my heart rate at 40 he doubled my Lisinopril and halved the Atenolol. I had an irritating cough after that (though the cold feet were better) and my BP prescription has been changed to Atenolol and Losartan.
Welcome Kevmca - stress - ummmm.... only answer to that one is actively engage in something that elevates it.
Many people here have found the following useful - any or all - in no particular order.
1. CBT for worry thoughts
2. Mindfulness
3. Body relaxation Techniques
4. Yoga
5. 'Chatting' with others - such as you do on here
6. 7/11 Breathing exercises - or slowing you breathing right down -if you PM me I will send you a short exercise - but you need practice it every single day - takes 5minutes.
7. Accept that this is were you are now and adapt your life to what you can do, don't focus on what you no longer can do.
8. See a counsellor
9. Take a tablet - see your doctor
10. Do all you can to be as well as you can i.e.- weight, exercise, alcohol etc
11. EFT - or tapping
12. Find a hobby - anything you enjoy doing will help release endorphins - the pleasure hormones which counter the stress hormones - cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine
13. Appreciation - Appreciate something in your life every single day and be thankful - sounds weird but it is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and state of mind.
Feel free to ask questions. There are many people reading your post who have persistent or permanent AF and many, many who suffer anxiety and have overcome it.
Best wishes CD
I think most of the breathing SLOW helps alot(do you have anxiety problems with this.?.
Appreciate your input CDreamer, thank you. I already do 3,4,5, 10,and 12. What is EFT and tapping please?
EFT is emotional freedom technique and I was going to recommend it myself when I read your question. Just go to You tube and follow and you can be taken through some examples. Basically it's just a sequence of tapping and verbalising which acknowledges how you are feeling and its amazing how effective and simple it is. CBT Cognative behaviour therapy will teach you why you behave it the way you do however you are still left with the feelings and EFT will release them. It's easy to learn via you tube or a simple book and or you can be taught and learn in therapy sessions. There are classes Nationwide. Without using it I would go around the bend! Very handy to do anywhere and anytime you are feeling anxious. I've even used it walking down the street (!) but a good example would be behind the curtains in hospital whilst waiting for a procedure. It will help anyone cope with daily life ie frustrations and anxiety. Calms the system down very effectively.

Thank you Kate444
Your welcome - in relation to your original question - I sometimes think AF is sent to us to test on having the patience of a saint. I don't feel outwardly anxious as a lot do with AF however I do have a lot of symptoms and pain in my system which a lot of others don't seem to. I have kicks and flicks and threats every day and on many occasions it feels like its a case of when the AF will trigger again not if. I guess in the end its only the fact that it dosn't trigger as much as it feels it might that helps me cope and feel less anxious. It takes a bit of getting used to though doesn't it! Dig deep you are in good company.

yes Kate these are the symptoms- glad you're in control. Had the aches, pains, tight chests, anxiety, occasional palpitations myself but not breathlessness (YET!) Getting worse with time, I'm afraid. Trying to keep fit with cycling, walking, swimming, gardening, and yoga which must help. Music helps a lot- singing in a choir, playing in a uke band- gives real joy. Frankly some days I try do too much as I'm also involved in some local politics! Consultant tells me to keep fit, avoid stress- easier said than done. Good luck to you!
Wow a healthy long list with only one thing that gives a hint of causing some stress! Clearly a get on and do it person - I think you will find EFT a very useful tool.
Pulse can go low on some medications..however 40 45 is low did you notice how long it stayed that low and what is ur you no and as long as you feel ok get it checked when and explain the problem.