It was determined that I need an ablation because I cannot tolerate the anti-arrhythmia medicines. My question is: if I have the ablation on the the 9th, what should I be prepared to deal with as far as recovery goes? Our vacation is at the Jersey shore; how debilitated will I be? Should I cancel until after the vacation?
Need some advice: ablation set for 8/... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Need some advice: ablation set for 8/9; vacation planned for 8/12

Depends on what you are doing at the shore and how far it is to get there for you.
That is probably too soon to enjoy the vacation.
If it was a really short distance and all you were planning to do is basically relax it might work out. But even then any complication from the procedure and time to cancel.
I went camping one week after my last ablation. But it was close by and easily cancelable. Even at a week my son set up.most of the camp stuff. I just relaxed. Did very little after that just relaxed saw a few of the sites slowly. Had somemores. But in general no lifting and just relaxed. Plus did have risk of canceling if procedure had gone wrong.
Yours is way sooner and if planning any real activity it is a bad idea.
Cancel your vacation. Three days is way too soon. Give it a couple of weeks at least and consult your doctor
Personally I would cancel the holiday, when I had my cryoablation a few years ago I was too tired to do much at all except rest and potter about the housr for about a week until I got my strength back. I was also very sleepy after a meal so had lots of naps on the sofa!
Good luck on the 9th.
Depends how far away you are from everything and what's the difference between being on holiday and being at home. It could be better, worse or no different, only you can judge.
Hi Clarajoan hope this is not all doom and gloom but Ablations work in different ways.I have had two Ablations the first was fine and was back to normal with a week.It lasted eighteen months ,then back th AE back in AF.My second Ablation back in November my groin was badly bruised from Knee to ankle had trouble walking and sleeping this lasted for a week .I am still on Warferin and Bisoprol but touch wood not in AF ,but as explained on this site we are all different.Best of luck with your Ablation and hope it doesn't spoil your holiday.
I wouldn't have been able to enjoy a holiday so soon after any of my three ablations, just wouldn't have had the energy. I would postpone your holiday.

In my view it would be madness to go so soon afterwards but we are all different. General advice is TV remote only first week and maybe start making tea the second then ease in gently. Best not risk upsetting all that work.
after my third ablation in May, I was pretty worn out for about one week. I left on vacation 10 days after the ablation, flew to Florida for a week with friends, and I felt great! Just depends on your body. After my first 2 ablations I would have been able to vacation 3 days later, but this time I was pretty tired. But then I'm also 6 years older, that might have played into the tired feeling.
Depends on what you plan on doing! I flew on the 3rd day after my Ablation with a GA. I had no problems flying and took each day as it came. Did quite a bit of walking but no lifting. Watch for stairs as this can be irritating to the groin area. If the holiday is more R& R then go for it. A positive attitude gets the best results. I'm 3 weeks posts procedure with my 3rd ablation. All the best😘
I would speak with your consultant... I am in the UK and had my ablation at the end of April and on 4 June went to the States for a month... flew long haul and internal flights - I had no problems at all and my consultant told me that it was perfectly fine for me to travel (he knew where i was going and for how long).
I was quite tired for the first couple of weeks after the procedure but gradually started to feel normal again - the key is to take it easy immediately after the procedure and don't overdo it - I think the holiday actually did me the world of good because as I wasn't at home, there wasn't much to do (no housework/gardening, shopping, etc) so I just relaxed and enjoyed my vacation....
I would ask the EP who is doing the ablation. Personally, I felt fine and was told to rest a week, be a couch potato is what he said; don't lift anything 5# or larger.
If you are just resting at the beach, I wouldn't see any problem. I just read an article about the most polluted beaches around the world. The Jersey shore was listed as one of the top ten. Make sure you check their current bacterial, etc counts.
Hope you will feel as well as I did.
I think it depends how we are reading the a Brit I'm reading that the ablation is on the 8th sept and the holiday is on 8th Dec in which case I think ok to go. If this is the American way of dating then from personal experience I could not think of anything worse than going on holiday 4 days after an ablation other than if doing absolutely noting at all....I wanted my home home comforts my bed and my sofa.