Last September I was fit and healthy, the came Parox AF, out of the blue. I'm on Pradaxa and Bisoprolol. Ive been great, then a couple of weeks ago, I got chest pains so I'm now on Amlpodine (sorry prob spelt it wrong) The waiting list to check for angina is so long here I paid to see a private doctor, now he,s said I should have an Angina spray and also Cholestrerol tablets. My Cholesterol has been under 5 all my life (I'm 61) I just don't get this condition. Is everyone with AF taking all of these meds?
Is everyone on all of these meds? I'm... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is everyone on all of these meds? I'm rattling.

Yes, If you listen carefully when I walk I'm sure you'll hear me rattle as well - but not the quite the same mix as yours. Pradaxa, Bisoprolol, 2 x statins, Flecainide PIP, Lansopralol, Finasteride (for a different problem) , Mg Taurate and Vit D3 suppliments. I think that's all

Once you are in the system you tend to get everything. Statins for cholesterol are emotive and in my case my doctor generally lets me decide as they cause me some bad side effects. Amlodopine is a calcium channel blocker to reduce blood pressure but they make my ankles swell so I don't take them. The anticoagulant is essential to avoid stroke.
Hard luck on the long wait for angiogram to look at your cardiac arteries which may or may not be blocked/reduced. The GTN spray may be overkill but if it helps then fine. I went that route for a while till my first angiogram showed no problems and I was able to reduce my party bag a little. With my current batch I have five or six pills a day but never think about it . Get a seven day pill box and load it up once a week is the best bet.
Not from AF - only take Apixaban. I refused statins, can't take rate or rhythm control and have low BP so my meds package is for conditions other than AF - they make a very loud rattle!
Party bag!!! lololol. Yes, my ankles swell on Amlodopine. Ive not got the meds for cholesterol as yet, so will it be statins? Ive heard bad things about those. I need a good chat with my GP I think as things have changed since angina has been mentioned. Thanks BobD.
Statins reduce cholesterol yes but they are a powerful anti-inflamatory so helpful for other things. As I said quite emotive but right now I am taking them but do leave off from time to time to allow other symptoms to reduce. All my tests came back negative (that's good) so there was no reason found for my chest pain which I think was actually muscle strain.
My Mom never took a tablet in her life until she was in her eighties, and then she was on four a day for different health issues. She used to say, 'how do they know where to go' ! !
Hi,I take a lot of meds,I do as Bob put them all ready in a 7 day pill box.Used to use angina spray but had angioplasty(stents)So do not need now.i still take bisoprolol,lisinopril,flecanide,rivaroxaban,Salvador,omeprazole,was taking hydralazine up till today had a bad reaction with rash and flushing,on waiting list for ablation and will be so pleased to stop most meds after, will just have to take BP meds and rivaroxaban.(Above should read simvador
Why do you have to take Bisoprolol? Is your basic pulse rate high? And is AF constant or in attacks? If not constant, I would carefully wean off the Bisoprolol. It can cause feelings of tightness in breast. Did the private doctor actually SEE something to justify the angina spray or just because you complained about tightness?
What are the cholesterol values in your country? Over here in Germany up to 200 is considered normal. If you are below range in your countryx I would never take a statin.
I get just a few seconds of heavy heart bumps maybe twice per day. I know my rate is irregular some times, but not always. I felt a tightness just 3 mornings whilst walking and this went off as I walked.
As for cholesterol I am not in a danger zone, I'm on 5 now I think and 8 is the top range. I do feel as if this has all gone too crazy. I had one big attack in September and jus, as I say a few seconds of heart bumps once or twice a day, some days nothing. But is that down to the meds?
Nothing has been seen to justify angina as I have had no tests, I just asked about the chest tightness.
All these meds it seems are "just in case", but I fear I may just be being pumped full of meds with not enough investigation or information. I really must get my questions on paper and see the Gp.
To be honest, I feel as if Ive just been given meds and that's the end of that forever. Thankyou for your answer.
The angina spray is "just in case" isn't it? You do not take that regularly? So just do not take it (if no "real" angina attack is on, and yes, you would feel that). The cholesterol tablets seem superfluous, it's your decision to take them or not.
And Amlodipin-is your blood pressure very high? if not, no indication. And bisoprolol I would save as PIP, means when PAF=big attack comes on, you take it to slow heart rate during fibrillation. This does not work, if you take biso on a daily basis plus after what I learned biso seems the betablocker who causes a lot of side effects.
And remember, any time you visit another doctor or the former ones and complain (not in the sense of complaining, just mentioning) of anything at all, you will very probably be sent home with new meds or a different dosing regimen. That's what they do. It's their way of trying to help and also they follow the guidelines for treating special complaints. Though it seems in your case they go even farther than the guidelines.
My blood pressure was a little high then on a second test a few minutes later it was OK.
I've not needed the spray At all.
I too think they've over reacted, but then I get scared to ask if I can cut some out I might head for disaster.
I'm in a predicament for sure.
Thankyou for your posts. I go see my GP on Monday. I need s good chat I think and more information from him. Thankyou.
NO -- only apixaban for anticoagulation. My GP first prescribed beta blocker (atenolol) but my EP said I could use it as pill in pocket, then later said try not using at all. I haven't had to use beta blocker for almost a year even though my paroxysmal AF comes about once a week. I just rest and take it easy when in AF --no drugs required.
That's what I want to do. I find walking up slight hills leave me breathless. I don't know what the beta blocker is for even really. The info Ive been given to be fair is almost nil. Just a case of taking the meds as told. Thankyopu for that.
Beta blocker is to slow the heart rate; other drugs they give Afibbers are for the arrhythmia associated with AF episode.. I found the beta blocker made me (a) very tired and (b) dizzy, so I'm not taking anything except the anticoagulant, apixaban. And I feel great!
I must say I've only had the shortness of breath up hills on bisoprolol so I'm lucky. But I would like to try to see how I go on without them. Thankyou.
The beta blocker nearly stopped my heart, as when not in af my heart normally would beat ,48 to 54. Little faster now had ablation. And jumps about if walking , 58 to 104
You take the beta-blocker mainly to try to ensure that your heart-rate is below 100 when you are in AF. This is believed to help prevent long-term damage to your heart.
I didn't know that, so now I'm thinking I should be on them. Oh dear. I'm confused and lost. Thankyou.
I now have a kardia, which means I can check my heart rate when in AF. If it is above 100 then I take a bisoprolol, otherwise I keep off them. How much are you taking? You could ask to try coming off them - but slowly, one step at a time. Your heart may take a week or two to adjust, so put up with slightly more strange feelings/AF in that time. Then you would be able to see what difference, if any, they make to how you feel.
Hi I have paroxysmal AF too and recently had an episode with raised troponin and slight chest pain . Stress test showed a change at end of test so like you my GP thinks I probably have angina . I take bisoprolol 2.5 mg Apixaban and now started on Nicorandil 10mg for ? Angina. Awaiting another 24 hour monitor and echo . Taking a while to get used to Nicorandil but will persevere until I have further tests done . Hope you feel better soon .
I always feel well thank God and I know I'm lucky. I just struggle with hills, and I think that's the bisoprolol? Its not confirmed angina, but have meds for it. I feel pumped full of meds with no real tests and none in the pipeline. I'm off for a good chat. I don't want to take meds unnecessarily. Thankyou. Hope you go on OK.
I have PAF SVT RVOT and only take Atenolol. Works a treat with minimal side effects. Mind you my heart is healthy and I'm only 53